C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽8͓̽

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I sat in the hospital in the waiting room while Sam and Dean examined the body of "Olivia Brown" in the morgue. They told me I was not aloud in there and for me to stay out for I probably didn't want to see the gruesome battered corpse anyway. I honestly didn't care and wouldn't mind the dead body and was getting impatient just sitting here.

Looking around cautiously to see if any doctors or staff were around, I snuck around a corner down a hallway, clear of any workers and ducked low under a window, stalking past it to a door and opened it.
Two faces swung around when they saw me, gazes turning hard.
"Hi." I greeted, nodding to Sam and Dean.
"Venus!" Dean barked.
"We told you to stay put!"
I shrugged and bounded over to them and saw the body they were examining. It was a blonde haired woman, closed wounds and slashes on her stomach and throat as well as her face.
"Wow." I breathed. I edged my hand close to her face but it was sharply slapped away and I felt myself being turned to Dean's cold glare.
"Don't touch her! Go wait outside like we asked!" he ordered.
I frowned and pushed him off. "No."
Sam's eyes widened. He was about to open his mouth to say something but Dean beat him to it.
"No?" he sounded surprised to hear my defiance. That's when he stood straight and padded close to me and stared down at me sternly.
"Don't tell me no." he commanded, voice low and serious. "Go now. We are almost done here."
"Why can't I help?" I protested.
This time Sam chimed in. "Because we don't need it right now. Please go wait outside. We will be there in a few minutes."
Sam's voice was calm, much calmer than Dean's. I felt useless waiting outside but Dean's glare promised something bad if I defied him.

I sighed in defeat and walked out of the room and sat outside in the hallway. While they did let me assist them when they questioned the county's officers, that wasn't enough. I wanted to help with everything. But Sam and Dean clearly wanted to work solo on this part.
The cops had told them that the woman was the only victim of this strange case and that the anonymous witness was the only one that saw what happened. After that, Sam and Dean had began to question if this was an actual case or not.

Sam and Dean finished rather quickly after I left the morgue and sat outside. They joined me soon after and we walked silently back to the Impala, got in and drove to a diner for lunch.

When we arrived, there was a rather large crowd. Waiters and waitresses frantically went back and fourth from the kitchen to grab food and drinks for the customers. This diner was rather big, bigger than any previous ones we've been to. We had to wait a bit for our seat but was given one beside a window. I sat by Dean. He gave me the window side while he sat on the outer part.
It wasn't long before a waiter made their way over.
We ordered drinks, Sam and Dean ordering a water while I ordered a soda.
The food arrived a while later. Me and Dean ordered a burger and fries and Sam ordered some sort of vegan food. I scrunched up my face in disgust but said nothing.
We ate in main silence expect for the occasional conversation.

"So." Dean began between mouthfuls. "We know this Olivia girl was murdered by her husband right?"
Sam nodded and I took a bite out of my burger.
"Well it seems the cop was right. She is the only murdered victim who's been claimed to be killed in this city by her dead husband. But get this."
He stopped for a moment to take a sip of his water.
"According to her family history, the woman aren't very lucky with their men. It's said Olivia was a rather toxic wife and according to women before her in her family, lots of them were cheaters of married their husbands for their money, some in which made quite a lot. Olivia on the other hand cheated on her husband. Twice."
I raised my eyebrows. "Damn."
"And she also was caught sleeping with one in which enraged her husband who's name was "William Brown."
Me and Sam continued listening between mouthfuls as Dean went on.
"After that her and William had a big fight resulting in a physical fight. William domestically began to abuse her after that."
"Why didn't she get a divorce?" I asked.
Dean shrugged. "The night of William's death, they both had another fight in which caused William to storm out in rage and drive away. No one knows where he was going though. He was a known drinker and ended up being wasted while driving and ended up colliding with another car."
"He deserved it." I snorted. He sounded like a toxic husband.
Dean ignored me and continued. "In the past, all if not most of Olivia's past family members were mainly known to be cheaters and not so bright spouses."
"So why did William come to get revenge on her?" Sam asked.
"She cheated on him, treated him like crap. Guess he'd want payback after he died. But no previous family members of hers have ever been murdered by their dead husband or wife for that matter."
Me and Sam nodded in acknowledgement.
Dean took a bite from one of his fries.
"So tonight, I guess we'll go to her place and see if we can find any EMF."
Sam nodded in agreement. "Alright. What time do you want to go?"
Dean looked outside as bright afternoon sunlight gleamed through the window.
"When it gets dark."

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