C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽7͓̽

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A few quiet days had passed. The Bunker was quiet. Cas had been in and out of the Bunker, his gaze troubled. Sam and Dean had pushed him into telling them what was worrying him but Cas told them everything was okay. There was little reassurance in his voice but Sam and Dean didn't push any further. I had noticed Cas had avoided looking at me. Was he angry at me?

Everything had been silent with demons and angels. None had shown up at the Bunker's door step and while we went out occasionally to get a bite to eat or get something from the store, there was not even the slightest hint of any angels or demons looking for trouble.

Now we all sat in the Bunker. All seperated. I sat in my room alone, free of my handcuffs. I scrolled through the media, an article catching my attention.
It read:
"Witness claims to see woman's dead husband walk in through the front door and slain her"

I had to reread the title several times to make sure I read it correctly. The story sounded bizarre but considering what I've seen, it seemed entirely possible. I continued to read on...

"A witness who prefers to remain anonymous told the News Network, it was a late Saturday night. She'd gotten home from work late. She had parked her car in her driveway and gotten out and witnessed a man who looked drunk or high to be walking towards her neighbor's front door.
The witness claims to have a good connection to her neighbors and knew her neighbor, "Olivia Brown's" husband had died a couple of years prior in a car accident.
The anonymous neighbor also claims to have gotten a little nosy and after the supposed dead husband walked through the front door, she hid behind a bush in Olivia's yard and it wasn't long before she heard screaming. She claims to have seen the man walk out, blood on his hands and clothes before he disappeared completely into thin air. The anonymous neighbor called police immediately who investigated the scene and are ruling it out as a possible homicide as the anonymous neighbor is getting medical help and therapy."

The article went on about the anonymous woman's trauma and what the gruesome scene looked like. It claimed to update the situation in future articles. I read some of that but it looked more like a repeat of the former article.

I felt excitement surge through me. Was this a case? I had to tell Sam and Dean!
I hopped off my bed, raced out of my room, down the hallway, skidding slightly before turning a corner and reaching Dean's room. I banged on the door excitedly.
"Dean!" I called. I heard music on the other side that stopped abruptly before the sound of footsteps stomped towards the door. I took a step back.
He opened it and furrowed his brows. "What the hell! Why are you banging on the door like that? You alright?"
I blinked up at him excitedly. "Yes." I replied. "I found a case Dean! We should go!"
He rubbed his stubbed beard with a grunt. "What kind of case?"
"Ghost by the looks of it?"
Dean looked tired and heaved a sigh. "Where did you find the case."
"Online." I answered quickly, taking out my phone and showing him the article. He read it rather quickly before handing the phone back to me.
"This is in Cleveland, Ohio."
Surprised, I looked at the article and at the location it said the case was located in. He was right. I gritted my teeth.
"Can we go? Please?"
Dean sighed again. "Fine. We'll get going shortly. I'll go tell Sam and Cas."
I nodded and was about to dart to my room before Dean held out a hand to stop me.
"Get enough supplies to last a couple of days." he advised. "It's a fifteen hour drive. We'll probably be stopping at a motel tonight."
I dashed off my room. I felt like an excited child. I love traveling. I'd never been to Ohio and even though this was a monster hunting case, It felt like a vacation.

I packed few books, a laptop in which Sam gave me, clothes, a toothbrush, hair and bath supplies and a few other things. I stuffed them all in a duffle bag and stared down at it in victory.
I was about to pick it up and put it around my shoulder but the sound of footsteps at my door stopped me in my tracks. I turned and saw the familiar figure of Castiel standing in the threshold.
"Hi." I greeted, trying to keep my voice casual.
Castiel didn't respond but he scanned the hallway on both sides before carefully stepping in my room and closing the door quietly.
I felt sudden apprehension and shifted uncomfortably.

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