C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 3͓̽

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After gathering all the belongings I needed, especially weapons. I hopped back in the parked 67' Chevy Impala that stood outside my cottage. I'll admit their guys had good taste in cars though I barely knew anything about them. I hopped in the back seat and slammed my heavy bag aside.
"That bag sounds full," Sam commented.
"You can look if you'd like," I told him, hoping he would so he could see how stocked up on weapons I was. He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "It's nothing personal," I reassured. "Here." I handed it to him and he set it in his lap. Dean cast a curious glance as Sam unzipped the bag which was full of weapons such as a couple of demon blades, witch-killing bullets, holy oil, holy water, salt, silver, guns, bullets, etc.
"Wow." Sam suppressed.
"All stocked up aren't you? You seem to have weapons for common monsters, but where did you even get these?" Dean asked. I told him the story of how I was saved by that female hunter and how she had taught me a lot about hunting. But of course, that was nearly three years ago.
"I'll admit, you're way too young to hunt, way too young, and also don't have enough weapons or strength to keep yourself alive for as long as you like," Dean remarked after I told him the story. I stiffened. "What do you mean?"
"Well, first of all, you need an angel blade, not saying they'll ever come after you but if a demon once then, an angel might. Trust me most of them are dicks too."
"Angels?" I was confused.
"Yeah, angels. They're real too apparently. We have a friend who's an angel." Sam stated. I began to laugh.
"You can't be" But that's when I saw their serious looks.
"Yeah. As a matter of fact." Dean began then looked up at the car's roof.
"Cas? Cas, get down here. We wanna show you something." It wasn't long before I heard flapping and a man appeared beside me in the seat. I flinched, taken back.
"Jesus." I gasped.
"No, try again." the man said.
"Meet Castiel." Dean introduced proudly. I was quiet for a moment, mouth gaped.
"What are you?" I asked.
Castiel tilted his head. "I'm an angel of the Lord."
"Great. I'll just add that to the book of things that exists." I snickered sarcastically.

Castiel sat with us in the car for the rest of the trip to their so-called "Bunker" when we got there, I was surprised to see all the occult objects. They introduced me to their home and showed me to my room which was a guest room. We talked for a while and learned about each other. I learned these hunter's last names. They were brothers sharing the last name "Winchester". They told me how it all started with demons in their life too that led them down the hunter's path. They told me how they've faced almost if not every kind of monster in their life. They told me they've been hunting since they were kids. If they started as kids why can't I? I mean I survived this long alone.
I unpacked everything I brought, including the new clothes I'd bought. When I lay on the bed in my new room, I felt so much warmth and my body seemed to sink into the mattress. It had been a while since I'd been in such a comfortable bed. Before I knew it, I dozed off in a deep and comforting rest that was surprisingly not full of nightmares...

I woke to a prod on my shoulder. I grunted and rolled over.
"Venus." I heard the familiar voice of Sam.
"What?" I groaned.
"It's morning."
I know we had gotten to the bunker late but I didn't expect to sleep soundly through the night. I sat up and stretched.
"I and Dean want to go get breakfast. Would you like to come?" Sam asked.
"Sure. Where at?"
"Dean wanted to go to this diner nearby."
"Sure. Let me change real quick and get ready." I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Sure. We'll be in the car."
With that, I got dressed, did my hair, used the bathroom then headed to the car. I was surprised by the hospitality these hunters were giving me. I don't know why but something told me that they were good people and that I could trust them. I didn't have the same vibes from the female hunter I met a while back but I still trusted her enough but not enough to stay with her.

I relaxed in the seat of the Impala as Dean drove us to a nearby diner. There weren't many people there so it didn't take long to get a seat and order food. Dean ordered a waffle and covered it in syrup and Sam ordered eggs and a coffee while I got a pancake and grits. Watching Dean eat made me amused. He ate like a child, stuffing huge chunks in his mouth and wiping his mouth with his wrist. I finally said something after watching for so long.
"No offense Dean, but were you ever taught to eat? I've seen a toddler have better manners than you." Sam let out with chuckle of surprise and amusement while Dean narrowed his eyes, clearly offended.
"No offense kid, but were you ever taught manners because you've shown none to us since we met you," he remarked.
I rolled my eyes.
"See?" he pointed out.
"I can do what I like, thanks."
"Yeah, that worked out well last night, didn't it? Those vamps nearly killed your ass."
"I knew what I was doing." I defended myself.
"Yeah, sure." he replied tartly while stuffing another chunk of waffle in his mouth."
I finished my food before Dean and got out of my seat.
"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back."
They didn't have time to reply before I walked off and made my way into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
Dean is a dick.
I fixed my hair and made my way to the bathroom stall and sat for a moment allowing myself to gather my thoughts of everything that has happened the last few days. One night I was scouting the forest, the next day I'm at a restaurant and eavesdrop on two men who turn out to be hunters and live in a place full of occult objects and who are also friends with an angel. Now I'm at some diner eating breakfast and sitting in a bathroom stall. As I sat here with my thoughts, darkness swarmed my mind, the same way it always did every time I wasn't occupied and sat alone to think... My parents, the familiar horror of their bodies lying dead on the floor, the all too familiar grief clawed my heart and I had to fight tears. It was hard and I was on the verge of crying before I heard the bathroom door open. I expected to hear Sam or Dean's voice checking on me but all was silent except for the approaching footsteps. The door closed and the steps walked past my stall. I assumed it was another lady coming to use the bathroom, but I was wrong. The footsteps then passed my door again and then passed back the other way as if pacing. My brows furrowed but then my face soon froze in slight horror as the footsteps stopped in front of my stall. I could see the feet. What bothered me was that the shoes didn't look like female shoes. I held my breath and tried not to make a sound. The feet didn't move anytime soon. I got up and flushed the toilet, deciding to face whatever may be waiting for me. When I opened the door, the figure I saw wasn't there. I blinked in confusion and went to wash my hands quickly, eager to leave. That's when I looked in the mirror just in time to see hands grabbing me. They slammed me against the bathroom wall and I felt the breath knocked out of me. But I soon regained control and landed a blow to this figure's face. I could see it clearly now. It was a man, or so I thought, one that looked faintly familiar. I feel like I'd seen this guy before but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. The man then grabbed something shiny from his pocket and slammed me back to the wall and put the shiny object to my throat. A knife.
"What the hell do you want?" I demanded.
The man smirked and then blinked only for his eyes to be turned black. That's when I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Remember me, little girl? It's been a while."

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