C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽4͓̽

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I told the Winchesters everything. From the moment I went to bed that night, to the middle of the night when I was taken against my will, and to the place where I woke up and what I'd witnessed of Storm who's real name was Chordeva.
"I can't believe she was telling the truth. It's been a while since I've spoken to a demon worth trusting." Castiel had mentioned.
I told them how Apollyon had eventually let me go after witnessing me snap another demon to smog. I told them how I'd found myself walking on the side of the road, lost, not knowing where to go. I told them every bit and detail to the point where I called Dean on the phone.

"The Bunker is supposed to be the safest place on earth." Dean had grunted after hearing my story.

"We are glad you're safe." Sam had told me softly.

I was glad to be with the guys again. We had stopped at a motel for the night and woke up early the next morning to get on the road and head back to the Bunker. We ended up making it sometime near 5:00pm after leaving that morning. I had slept part of the way on the ride back to the Bunker, only waking up for lunch as we went to eat at a cheap restaurant and then waking up with discomfort and numbness. Dean had blared music for about an hour then it was quiet expect for small talk or just chatting about random things occasionally. Finally after what felt like days, we had made it back to the Bunker.

We walked into the Bunker and I felt relieved at the sight of my familar home. I raced down the stairs and breathed in the Bunker's scent. I was about to dash off to my room before Sam stopped me.
I glanced around. "What is it?"
Dean and Cas made their way down the stairs stopping beside Sam.
"We need to think of next steps." Dean chimed in.
I tilted my head to one side. "What would those steps be?"
Dean sighed. "I don't know. Me, Sam, and Cas need to see about the Bunker's warding and you need to be prepared for Apollyon to attack again. He made it clear he wasn't finished with you."
I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I'm prepared."
Or that's what I wanted to believe. I'm a Cambion but Apollyon is a powerful demon, he nearly overpowered me. On the way back to the Bunker, Cas had told me Apollyon is a prince of Hell. They are very powerful demons hand picked by Lucifer himself.
I shuddered. Did I stand a chance?

I ended up going to my room and took a nap and when I woke up night had already fallen. When I woke up I was confused. I didn't recognize where I was.
"Storm?" I called, slightly used to the demon cat being around but then I remembered she'd been slaughtered in front of my eyes. I sighed and slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen and fixed a glass of water. I must of not realized how late it was because all the lights were off. I checked the microwave's time. It read 3:45am. I was surprised Sam or Dean never woke me up. I shrugged and drank the glass of water, relishing its cold texture against my tongue.

"Venus?" a familar voice called softly. I turned to see Cas making his way into the kitchen. He turned on the light in which I left off in fear of waking anyone.
"Hi." I greeted, nodding to the angel.
"Hello. What are you doing up?" he cut straight to the point.
I shifted my feet. "I went to bed early as you know. I guess my body wanted to wake up and I'm thirsty." I muttered glancing down at my cup of water before setting it down.
He made his way closer to me.
"I'm not angry." he said smoothly. "I'm concerned about you. Apollyon is after you and so are serval other demons as well as angels. It's only a matter of time before the angels catch up."
I sighed. "What exactly do the angels want?"
"They want you dead. While some demons prefer you alive, many angels prefer you dead, killed brutally."
I tensed. "Why?"
Castiel shook his head. "Your power is enough to end this world if you wished, but that would take a lot of power and I don't believe you'd actually do that. Angels fear beings more powerful than themselves. You have God like power in which most you have probably not even discovered yet. Cambions are disapproved of in heaven. They are scouting for you as we speak."
I blinked at him. "Is the Bunker even safe anymore?"
Castiel shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Me and Dean and working on new warding. Hopefully it'll keep you secure and keep us all safe."
"I'm sick of being hunted." I grunted half to myself.
Castiel put a hand on my shoulder. "We'll protect you whatever happens."
I pulled myself away from him, out of his grasp glaring at him but that glare soon faded after I saw hurt in his eyes.
"S-sorry." I stammered, feeling guilty. "I just.. I can take care of myself, you know?"
Cas nodded. "We know. We just want to help. That's all."
I closed my eyes. "Like you said I'm a powerful being. If I'm powerful enough to end the world, I can take on a few demons and angels."
Castiel took a step forward. "The thing is," his gaze darted towards the wall then back to me.
"I don't want you to kill any angels."
"Why?" I questioned, outraged. "They are trying to kill me."
This time Cas's voice got harder, slightly cold. "Because they are my brothers and sisters, my family, they are angels. While some may be pains, they can be tolerated without violence."
I rolled my eyes. "Like I said before, not everything can be solved with words. Sometimes fighting is the only way." I clenched my fists.

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