C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽0͓̽

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I woke up in a car. A jacket was laid across my body for warmth, I'm assuming. The sound of an engine purring filled my ears. The low sound of music echoed through my mind from the car's speakers. I slowly titled my head to look over to get a view of the people sitting up front. It was blurry at first, their figures swaying and expanding then they became clear as day.
"S.. Sam... Dea... N" I whispered hoarsely. Dean jumped and Sam whipped his head around.
I must of scared them out of their skin because Dean pulled over on the side of the road.

"Venus!" he exclaimed. "You're awake!"
I grunted and rubbed my head. I had a really bad headache. "What happened?" I asked.
Sam blinked at me sympathetically. "You fell unconscious last night."
I frowned, confused. "Last night?" it was then I looked out the window and saw early morning sunshine gleaming in the sky.
"Yeah we left the motel very early this morning. We are on our way back to the bunker." Dean explained.
I sat up in my seat and pushed the jacket off. "Oh. Does that mean you.." I looked around at the scenery around me in the car then at myself.
They seemed to read my thoughts and Sam nodded. "Yes." he told me slowly. "We carried you to the car."
My mouth felt dry. "Was I heavy?" this question came from my own curiosity. I asked it in a serious manner but Sam and Dean's eyes lit up in amusement.
"Not at all." Dean chuckled. "You were light as a feather. You need to gain some weight."
I looked away and flushed. Am I really that skinny?
I then let myself turn back to them, voice more serious now.
"I'm sorry about sneaking off. I'm sorry for getting drunk. I'm sorry for-"
Dean interrupted me. "It's okay, kid. Just please don't do that again. We were worried." I noticed him swallow as if choking back emotion. "And... Sorry for pushing you. That was uncalled for."
I shifted in the seat. "It's okay."
"No it's not." he replied hoarsely. "You didn't deserve that."
I leaned forward and allowed my eyes to soften. "It's all forgiven. I probably deserved it anyways."
Dean looked unconvinced but I continued to speak before he could say anything.
"Can we just put all this behind us, please?"
"As long as you promise to not do something that foolish and stupid again."
I felt a surge of anger begin to rise inside me but I forced it away.
"I won't."
"Good. Now let's continue on the road, shall we?"
I nodded. "Alright."
Sam blinked at me approvingly then both brothers turned around.

"Alright." Dean chirped, voice enthusiastic. "Who wants music?"
Sam grunted in protest but I just shrugged.
He didn't even let us reply before turning on music and raising the volume and singing along to, "Highway To Hell" by AC/DC.

The rest of the ride went on smoothly, filled with music and occasional conversation. Dean decided that we wouldn't stop at a motel tonight. We ended up sleeping in the Impala. Sam and Dean allowed me to lay out and sleep in the seat while they slept sitting up. I was reluctant to let them allow me to be the only one to sleep comfortably but the whole night was more uncomfortable than what I was used to. While the leather seats were bouncy and soft, that didn't stop my twists and turns. But I eventually fell asleep, waking up to car movement in the waking of dawn as Sam drove this time, the rest of the way, all the way back to the Bunker.

When we had arrived at the Bunker several hours later, Cas was waiting in the libary. He was reading a book. His head shot up when he heard the Bunker's door open.
I led the way down the stairs, Sam and Dean at my heels, and nodded to Cas as I passed him on the way to my room to unpack my things.
He stopped me before I got far, reaching his hand out and resting it on my shoulder.
"Venus." he murmured, expression nervous. "Can we talk?"
Sam and Dean gave the angel a questioning look.
"Um.. Sure." I replied, wondering what this was about. I felt apprehension rise inside me.
Cas nodded to Sam and Dean and led me away to my room, remaining close to me.

When we arrived to my room, I threw my bag with my stuff in it on my bed. I began to unpack everything, eyeing the book Aidan bought me with sadness.
Castiel made his way in my room and sat on my bed, gazing at the book in interest.
"Did Sam and Dean buy you that?"
I winced as if being struck by a devastating blow.
"N-no." I stammered, voice thick with emotion. "Just ask Sam and Dean. I'm pretty sure they'll tell you about our... Hunt."
To my surprise and relief, he didn't push me into telling him about our trip.
I tucked the book in a drawer on my night stand and sighed then sat down beside Cas, pushing my bag aside. I'll unpack the rest later.

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