C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽1͓̽

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About two months had passed since I rescued Cas from the field where he laid all battered and bloody from a dispute with the Angels, where he had been beaten mercilessly by his own kind.
He had recovered slowly as me, Sam, and Dean had tended to his wounds immediately. Luckily, he had survived. I was relieved. Since his incident with the Angels, he'd barley left the Bunker. He had spoken to some Angels since his fight with them. Dean had escorted him to meet with them about a month ago. It took a lot of convincing to get them to spare Cas. Dean and Cas had reluctantly explained to them my plan for a meeting between the Angels and Demons, as many as we could gather.
Word had gone around, spreading like a forest fire.
I'd not seen any sign of Orthon or his demons since the news of their journey and their fight with the Angels. Things have been very eerie and quiet as of recently. Nothing has been really heard since last month when Dean and Cas met with the Angels. I was beginning to wonder if my plan would even work. Would they agree to meet or would it all end in bloodshed?
I wanted so desperately to keep peace and protect Sam, Dean, and Cas. I wanted us all to protect each other. But how was that possible when all the Angels and Demons wanted was to fight and kill each other in order to get to me?

I was in my room reading the book Aidan got me. It was a long book and I'd been reading it occasionally when I had the courage. I was halfway done with it. The book was getting good. I've always enjoyed reading but this book had made me like reading even more, allowing me to visualize and experience what was happening in the book, allowing me to feel emotions unlike any other book I've read before.
I had begun to pretend the girl in this book was me and the boy was Aidan. The boy in the book is a very gentle and kind man. He cares for the girl and wants nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe. Under his kindness and protection, he was flirty and teasing. It made me think of how Aidan might be flirty. I only was with Aidan for a few hours but those few hours were the best hours of my life and I so desperately wish I could go back in time and relive them all over again so I could be in his grasp and have fun with him again and get to know him better as he gets to know me. But deep down... I knew I couldn't do that. I'd never be able to again. I was making a big deal out of one boy. And Dean was probably right... What we did was probably a one time thing and he most likely already found another girl... One better than me.

I felt hollow with sadness and sighed. I closed the book softly and placed it back in the drawer on my night stand. I took this time to look at my alarm clock. It was only early evening but yet the day had gone by slow. Very slow. Today was filled with all of us stuck in the Bunker doing our own thing. Dean had been watching movies all day, Sam most likely scouting the internet, and Cas... Well... Who knows what he does on his free time other than read a boring book.
I paced my room, thinking of a way to kill time.
That's when I heard a knock on the door. I halted and turned in time to see Castiel walk in, his eyes filled with worry and apprehension.

"What's wrong?" I asked, padding forward to look into his baby blue eyes.
Castiel sighed. "I just got word on Angel Radio. The Angels and Demons have spoken to one another and agreed to meet with you. They said they'd listen to what you have to say but there is no guarantee that tonight's supposed truce will hold."

Recently, Cas had told me that the Angels and Demons agreed to a truce during this meeting and that if someone broke it and there was a fight, battle would erupt and neither side would stop until someone won, no matter the casualties. That was my biggest worry. My vision showed a battle. Dead bodies that lay everywhere, pools of blood staining a scarred wasteland. And during these dark times even before the Angels and Demons knew about me, both sides had been at each other's throats. With Hell having no leader and Apollyon eager to take the throne, Hell's demons had been split causing some to come to earth to escape the chaos while others remained in Hell, loyal to Apollyon or eager to experience what would be next for Hell's future. Heaven had its leader, Jack, a Nephilim who had been raised by Sam, Dean, and Cas a few years before he had become God after defeating the former and original God of this world who turned out to be bad in the end, trying to destroy the world. Lucifer, Jack's father was dead and most of the chaos from years before had subsidied. But now it seemed darkness loomed on the horizon as it had done for a while now. It was unknown what would happen next.

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