C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 8͓̽

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The wind whisked my long hair as dark clouds loomed over the bunker casting long shadows. Thunder rumbled in the distance and the breeze whistled in my ears. Rain began to softly pour down, soaking my skin and sending a chill rippling through me. I stood here outside the bunker and glared at the gloomy sky, the rain like teardrops pouring down my face.
I felt my fists clench.
So much pain. I thought in despair.
I've only caused pain in all my time here on earth. I've caused nothing but harm. The Winchesters hate me. I want nothing more than to die.
I blinked against the thickening rain.
Do you love me God? Do you even exist? If you do, why make me bear all this pain and torment? I surrender my soul and life. I can't take anymore. Please help me. I'm broken inside. My heart has been torn to shreds and my life is meaningless for I am just another monster that goes bump in the night.
I felt a warm tear drop down from my face. I slowly began to burst into tears then slowly let myself sink to the ground until I crouched weakly. I silently begged to be saved. But I knew it was no use. Trembling, I slowly reached for a pocket knife I stuffed in my pocket and held it up to my chest. I had to do this.
I know I'm going to Hell. It can't be any worse than here. Maybe Hell will be better. Or maybe there is a slight possibility I'll go to Heaven but I highly doubt it. Demons don't go to Heaven. Heaven doesn't allow monsters. Especially not ones like me.
I gazed at the knife in my hands and closed my eyes as I slowly began to lift the blade. I hesitated for a moment. Would this hurt? How long would I suffer in agony before the pain was gone?
I didn't let myself think about it and plunged the knife in my chest. My eyes widened and I gasped in pain as I felt the blade enter my flesh. I slowly fell backwards but still gripped the blade in my chest. It hurt. My chest was on fire. But for some reason I was still conscious but my vision soon became blurry. Perhaps it took a few minutes for this to work. The pain soon set in and my ears rang and from that distant ringing I could hear a fading echo as I pulled the knife out of my chest.
"Venus, no!" it was the desperate voices of Sam and Dean.
I'll be okay. You'll be better off without me.
The last thing I saw were the Winchesters looming over me with fearful eyes before my world was swallowed whole by darkness...

Dean paced back and fourth in the bunker. The small figure of Venus lay in the other room. She wasn't dead. Her breathing was shallow but she was alive just unconscious.
"Come on Cass!" Dean yelled. "Get your feathery ass down here!"
"We need you Cass." Sam chimed in.
It wasn't long before the flutter of wings caught the brother's attention.
"Sam, Dean." Castiel greeted with a nod.
"We have a situation." Dean began.
"What is it?" Castiel asked with a tilt of his head.
"The kid.. She attempted to ugh.. Kill herself with a pocket knife."
Castiel furrowed his brows. "Why?"
"I don't know why! Can you fix her?" Dean questioned irritability.
Castiel blinked. "Yes I can heal the would. But you know she won't die from it." Castiel pointed out as he walked down the hall of the bunker to Venus's room.
"Wait what?" Sam questioned.
Castiel glanced around. "She's a Cambion. She won't die from a small stab." he continued on down the hallway, Sam and Dean at his heels.

They entered Venus's room to see her lay still with shallow breathes. She was clearly in pain from the wound. Her eyes we're glazed over in agony.
Castiel examined the girl before putting his hand on the wound, casting a bright glow and the wound was gone in a heartbeat. Venus gasped and swung her head up.
"How do you feel?" Castiel asked, narrowing his eyes.
"G-good." she stammered.
"What were you thinking?" Dean scolded.
Venus blinked. "I wanted it all to end but I suppose it's not that easy considering what I am." she turned her gaze away.
"Wanted what to end?" Sam asked.
"The pain."
Venus's whisper was hardly more than a croak.
"Well ending your life won't solve anything." Dean muttered.

Venus glared at the brothers. "What would you care if I'm dead or alive? I'm just another monster! Kill me already!"
No one said a word but then something came to Venus's realization. "You don't know how to kill me. Well holy fire might work and the power of an angel may be enough. You could also try a demon blade dripped with holy water. These are ideas. Not sure if they work. Give me a favor and test it on me."
"No." Dean growled.
Venus shrugged. "I could do it myself."
"Quit talking like that." Sam ordered sternly. "You can learn to do good in this world. After all you are part human."
"More demon than human." Venus muttered darkly.
Sam gazed at me solemnly. "Considering all you've been through, I'd say your holding up well."
"Yeah right." she scoffed.
"You just found out the truth who your father is. You hsve the right to be angry. You just found out who you are. You haven't had the chance to make things right but you can. You can grow up as a good person. As long as you stay humane, you have hope." Sam encouraged.
Venus shook her head. "I know how my story ends. I'll end up a killer and die in a pool of my own blood, probably killed by a hunter or you."
Sam sighed. He had tried encouragement but she had little hope.
"You can get through this." Castiel chimed in. But Venus stared away, her gaze fixed on something far away. She then blinked and shuddered before curling up.
"Leave me be. I want to rest." she rested her head on her pillow.
All the boys took a glance at one another before nodding in acknowledgement.

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