C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽4͓̽

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A couple of months have passed since the battle with Heaven and Hell. All had been silent in these last couple of months. There had been no signs of any Angels or Demons. That alone gave me more peace than I've had in a very long time.
After Jack had came and stopped the battle and after he had brought me back to life, he'd taken all the Angels with him. He'd promised we wouldn't see any of them again for a while. Meanwhile, he still allowed Castiel to walk the earth. Cas was one of Heaven's most trusted Angels and him and Jack had a good relationship, so Jack trusted him enough to come and go as he pleased. So he did. But Cas had been spending less time down here on earth with me, Sam, and Dean. On his last visit a few weeks ago, he had apologized for being so absent and that he was helping out with things in Heaven. He never told is what happened to the Angels upon their return to Heaven but that's none of our business anyways. We didn't push him any further than anything he'd been willing to tell us.

In these couple of months, things have been happier and more peaceful than ever. Most nights consisted of me, Sam, and Dean watching movies, playing board games, and having fun together, quality time as a family. We'd gotten along well and they had been praising me on how much better I've been getting. I'd put most of the past behind me and that had helped me control my emotions and with proper teachings from mainly Sam, I'd learned self control and ways to ease myself in times of deep distress. I deeply appreciated all their support. In my life, I never expected to be treated with such generosity. Being part of the Winchester family had healed a hollow hole in my heart and given me time to feel the joy of life.
In celebration of the successful battle and long weeks of peace, we'd gone out for dinner after a few weeks of being back home at the Bunker after the battle. It was so much better than the diner food we were all used to.
Even though the battle wasn't near close to anything my vision had described, I was okay with that because Sam, Dean, and Cas were alive and well and we were happy. That's all that mattered.

Ever since I'd become part of the family, my nightmares had vanished and I'd become a much happier person, proving to be more human than anyone thought with regular emotions and no intention to do harm. Occasionally when I had time to think to myself, I'd remember the dark parts of my life and all the sorrow and despair but I'd always push it down deep inside me beyond reach. Stirring those memories back up would cause nothing but harm.
Needless to say, things have been well and I'd hoped they'd remain this way for many years to come.

Along with being part of the Winchester family, they'd enrolled me in a nearby high school where I'd started a couple of weeks ago. I was reluctant at first, scared even. But surprisingly, mostly everyone was gentle and kind there and I was starting to make friends. Sam and Dean thought school would be good for me. A way to socialize and have some sort of normal life despite all the things I've been through. As far as everyone at school knew, I was an average normal teenage girl who attended the school like everyone else. Sam and Dean had given me strict orders to keep my mouth shut about anything supernatural or anything about hunting. They'd also told me to never use any sort of powers in front of anyone. I'd wanted to at first. I'd wanted to impress some people but I didn't want to attract attention and be the next big thing on the news. So I'd followed those orders.

Now as night had fallen and I had gotten a long night of sleep in my bed, dawn would soon approach and I'd be woken up for school. A Monday to be exact. The worst day of the week...

"Venus! Wake up!" I felt a prod on my shoulder. It was Dean.
"Five more minutes." I grumbled.
"No.Up now. Sam has already tried to wake you up twice."
I mumbled something inaudible in response. I remarked at his words in irritation. I was always hard to get up on Mondays and most days in general if it was early especially and I hated being awoken so I'd grow agitated.
"What was that?" Dean asked, his voice noting challenge and anger.
"Nothing." I muttered.
"That's what I thought. Now get up and get ready for school or I'll come back in here and dump water on your head."
Was he serious?
"Okay okay."
Geez man.
Dean walked out of my room and I sat up in my bed.

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