C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽3͓̽

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Apollyon grinned down at Storm who writhed under his foot.
"Now now, Storm or should I say Chordeva".
As if reading my mind, Apollyon's wicked gaze turned towards me.
"You really never thought to ask her true name? Her true demon name?" he seemed to find amusement in this situation. "I mean Storm? Seriously? What a boring name. Just because you found this pest in the rain."
I didn't reply and Apollyon turned his eyes back to the writhing cat beneath him.
"Chordeva, you are aware you committed a crime, yes?"
Chordeva glared at him. "No crime was committed."
Apollyon sighed. "Only you'd believe that. You follow no rules. Why'd you disobey direct orders, hmm?" his foot grasp seemed to push deeper into her. He was going to crush her. Even though I knew this was a demon, she seemed different and then there was the cat.. The demon who occupied a cat's body that made me go soft-hearted because it was an innocent animal she was inhabiting.
"Stop." I begged.
Apollyon's gaze never left the traitor beneath him.

"What's happened to you? You used to be one of the most loyal demons I ever knew? Now you've gone soft and dismiss your duties and ally yourself with a Cambion. You know better, Chordeva!"
Chordeva lifted her head and spat at him, hatred glistening in her beautiful green depths.
"I do what I like! The Cambion isn't yours! You want her for nothing more than power and selfish benefits. You want to use her and consume her power. If not that, you want to make her your servant!"
"What's so bad about that?" Apollyon asked defensively.

"She's a child! She's part human! She isn't an object to be used and consumed. You are so desperate to take the throne, you kill every demon who despises you and disagrees with you. You want to make Hell a place where even demons are too afraid to stay! You are power hungry and wish to take anything you can get your dirty hands on! You want to know why I disobeyed orders? I was curious of the girl myself. She wishes to be left alone. She is a good person deep down. Don't bring her dark side out or she'll change forever. Shouldn't she get a chance to live a human life?"

Apollyon unsheathed something sharp and slashed Chordeva's flank. Shs screeched in pain and I flinched.
"Leave her alone, please!" I cried, eyes wide with terror. Chordeva was being punished for standing up to him.
Once the blade was lifted from her, dark blood oozed on her black fur, she panted as it pooled on the stone floor beneath her.
"You have no right to speak, traitor!" Apollyon spat. He kicked Chordeva and she tumbled over with a cut off mew that was broken by the sound of another ferocious kick. I felt sick.
Gathering strenth, I pulled from the rope, trying to break my binds. I squinted my eyes and tried to gather enough power to break through them. They were strong, very strong. Finally, I managed to break free and I launched forward at Apollyon as he still continued to abuse Chordeva. Apollyon was ready though. He uppercut me and I fell backwards.
"Stay back, my dear. Don't interfere with this." he warned. I couldn't stand by and watch this brutality happen.
Apollyon lifted Chordeva and threw her against the hard stone wall. I heard the sound of bone snap and felt nauseous.
"No!" I yowled, lunging forward once more. I threw my arms around Apollyon's throat and tried to pull him backwards, but he was stronger and more energized. He threw me backwards then turned to me with a glower before clutching my throat causing me to gurgle.

I tried to lift his hands off me but he had me pinned tightly. I couldn't let him win. I tried to use my legs to kick him off but for some reason, I couldn't. I found it nearly impossible. I am a Cambion. Why couldn't I force him off?
Finally he let go and grunted as if giving up. The black spots and blurry vision I'd had while being choked faded slowly but I felt dizzy.
Apollyon made his way back over to Chordeva and lifted her up then throwing her back down again, her voice was weak now, pained.
I slowly rose to my feet but slunk back down in defeat, I felt numb and paralyzed.
Apollyon turned Chordeva over to where her belly was exposed and facing him. He seemed to examine the fur before lifting his blade again.

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