C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽2͓̽

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Piercing shrills echoed through the night in a dark clearing. The sound of caterwauling was deafening and blood spluttered in the air and bodies thudded against hard earth as battle raged on versus Angel and Demon, who fought with their blades and combat. Rain had began to patter down violently and thunder rumbled above the canopy.

Most of the Angels focused on fighting the Demons but occasionally one would come up behind me. I'd use my powers or Angel Blade to kill them. I also had a Demon Blade. The occasional Demon would try to sneak up on me but I was ready, every time. My power was too great for them.
I didn't want battle but part of my knew that even before we arrived here for the meeting, things would go downhill. We were doomed from the beginning.

I tried to keep myself in a close proximity with Sam, Dean, and Cas. We were our own team, our own small team, against all these Angels and Demons. We huddled together occasionally to fight off our opponents but we'd keep getting separated with the mass of fighting around us and all the Angels and Demons nudging us aside to launch themselves at their opponents.
The battle hadn't been going on long and already, the casualties were horrendous.

I was separated from Sam, Dean, and Cas as I made my way through the crowd, slashing my blades at whatever figure was closest. In a very twisted way, part of me enjoyed the feeling of my blade piercing into the flesh of my enemies. Another part hated it and wanted nothing more than to wash my blood soaked hands in a stream of fresh water. But I had to be strong and focus on my task here. I couldn't let either side win here tonight. But I don't see how that would be possible. Even with my power, I couldn't kill all these Angels and Demons. There would be no way. The invisible claws seemed to pierce my chest with dread once again but I ignored it. Whatever happened tonight, I had to accept it. I knew the risk I was taking coming here... Or did I?

I was scanning the clearing for my next victim when I felt the breath get knocked out of me. I tumbled to the earth and felt weight pin me down. I looked up to see a black eyed Demon grinning down at me. My blades had fallen out of my hands and I tried to reach them but the Demon held my arms down and grasped my throat.
"You're ours, sweetheart. You're not going anywhere." his voice was low and cold. His eyes held intentions I didn't want to think about.
I was gagging and retching as I struggled to breathe.
This is one Demon! I scolded myself subconsciously. I can take him! Why am I struggling?
The weight was suddenly lifted off me and I rolled over, letting out a deep exhale and glanced around to see a familiar figure pinning my attacker down.
"Heartless leech!" Orthon spat in the Demon's face. "How dare you hurt my daughter?!"
Daughter? He'd never been so quick to refer to me that way. What had changed? Why was he so protective now? Did he feel guilty for abandoning me? Maybe this was all a silly game he was playing. I watched on, intrigued to see what my father would do next.

"No one hurts her and gets away with it!"
The Demon below him rolled his eyes. "Please. She's been hurt many times over. Mainly by you. You hurt your own daughter. Only more pain is to come to her."
Orthon growled and grabbed the Demon Blade I dropped nearby and stabbed the demon through the heart. I winced. I watched the blood soak his hand as he thrust it deeper into the Demon's flesh and turned the blade inside him before taking it out, causing blood to drip from his now dark red hand.

I rose to my feet and stared at him, wide eyed. He slowly made his way over to me.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently.
What the hell.
"Ye-yeah." my voice caught in my throat. "Thanks."
He gave me my blade back before taking a deep breath.
"Venus..." he started before a large impact knocked him aside and caused me to jump in surprise. He was tackled by two Demons and they had him in a writhing grasp.
I froze. Should I help? He just helped me didn't he?
I began to hesitantly make my way forward, bracing myself but something slammed into me. I fell on the ground with a thud.
Angels and Demons were running around as they fought each other causing the small clearing to be tight with not much room.

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