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I'm Venus Blakely, a young Cambion who's father was a Demon and who's mother was a human. My birth was a curse yet a blessing. My adoptive parents were killed when I was 6 and I lived alone for 10 years in a cottage in the woods. If I was a normal human, I wouldn't have been able to survive that long. With my Cambion powers, it allowed me to be able to go longer without food and water. I was more immune from fatal injuries. I don't know what can kill me. Apollyon may have killed me but something tells me he had a power-up to do that. It wasn't a normal blade that he pierced into my flesh.

Meeting Sam, Dean, and Cas was the best thing that has ever happened to me. They are now the light of my life. Meeting them was a blessing. It allowed me to have a real family. In a way, I'm glad everything played out the way it did because everything led up to this moment. We relish our days now around the Bunker and have planned more future travels. They've been training me to become a hunter and I've proved skillful.

We've never gotten a clear answer on what happened to the Angels in Heaven upon their return after the battle and Cas seemed to want to keep whatever happened to himself. As for Hell, My best guess is that Apollyon took the throne and Orthon was dead. It saddens me because in the end it seemed he turned out to be one of the good Demons, the rare kind. Regardless, Apollyon hasn't bothered me since the battle so I could enjoy my days without looking over it shoulder.

Aidan has gotten enough money and moved to Lebanon, Kansas. I was surprised he'd make such a big commitment but it allowed us to be closer. So now we hang out a lot more. He never told me where he got the money that he used to buy an apartment here but he seemed to prefer not to tell me anyways. Sam and Dean were surprised he'd travel so far and move here but it sent warmth surging through my body. I can see him whenever I want now. Dean had proven himself protective of me. After hanging out with Aidan, he'd push for details on what we did, where we went. Me and Aidan have done some things, gone some places I didn't wish to share. But we never engaged in any... Activity. One thing that always surprised me about Aidan is that he always wanted to pay for everything whether it was food or a trip to the movie theater. With each visit, me and Aidan would grow closer and closer.

I don't want to get into too much detail on how my life improved and how good it is now because it's not all perfect. I still face some inner demons and find myself triggering my powers. Sam has continued his self control sessions with me. In a recent one, I had lashed out at him after he got to a sensitive topic. Cas, who was in the Bunker at the time while Dean was out getting beer had come in and helped me remain calm while I was practically at Sam's throat. After these incidents that would occasionally still happen, I'd grow guilty but they assured me everything was fine. With each day I was improving and Sam was proud of my progress.

Even with all the ups and downs, I felt comfortable with my new family. They loved me and I loved them. We loved each other and would do anything to sacrifice ourself for one another. I made a vow to Sam and Dean that I'd do so. They didn't want me to die again and they didn't want anything to happen to me but when it came to them sacrificing themselves for each other, they'd happily do so. Sam would sacrifice himself for Dean, Dean would sacrifice himself for Sam, Cas would sacrifice himself for them, and Sam and Dean would sacrifice themselves for Cas. I guess family is that powerful. It is a strong bond that pieces together together like a perfect mix or a key that fits into a certain keyhole. We were attached to each other.

The brothers and Cas have shown me there is good in life despite all the bad days. They showed me that dark times pass. The glimmer of light that shines above this family is bright and powerful. It's a light so bright that it can be blinding while at times this family is dark as the night sky, so dark you might run into an obstacle or go the wrong direction or even be swallowed by dark shadows.

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