C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 4͓̽

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"You," I whispered, shock pulsing through my entire body as I stared into this beast's black gaze. This was him... The demon who killed my parents.
"You've grown quite a lot." He murmured. I growled and spat in his face. "You have no right to even talk to me, after what you did! How dare you even show your face here?!"
The demon shook his head. "Oh Venus, you really didn't think I wasn't going to come back, did you?"
I remained silent.
"I was waiting until you grew and matured enough to speak to you again. Though I've watched you grow up, I can't say I've been patient. I've been waiting to speak to you again."
"Watched me grow up?" I asked, confused.
"Oh right. I and my demons were always watching you from the shadows. Your mortal eyes just couldn't see it."
"You stupid demon bitch!" I spat.
"Names Orthon. I don't know why I didn't tell you before. You should know the name of your worst enemy." 
"What do you want Orthon?" I snarled.
"Hell has work for you, Venus."
"What do you mean?" I asked, wincing as the blade inched closer to my throat.
"You will see."

I wasn't going to let this demon manipulate me. I kicked the demon in the knee and then pushed him back so I could break free from the wall. Orthon growled, his eyes glaring in a black fury. He lunged at me but I dodged and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him backward. But Orthon grabbed my arms and threw them off, spinning himself around before slashing his blade across my cheek. Pain pierced my face and I let out a screech of pain.
The demon bared his teeth then let out a menacing taunt.
"You idiot, you'll attract the entire diner in here with your screams! I'm not done with you yet!" He disappeared and I stumbled back in surprise. What the hell just happened? Holding my face and letting the blood soak my hand, I ran out of the bathroom and back to the table. Sam and Dean immediately rose to their feet when they saw my blood-covered hand on my face.

"What the hell happened?" Dean asked.
I didn't want to explain here. "We need to get out of here now," I told them firmly. Dean left money on the table and we quickly left the diner and headed to the car. Sam handed me a cloth to put over my bloody face.
"So, what happened?" Sam asked.
"A demon," I replied, wincing at the pain in my cheek.
"Demon?" Dean echoed.
"I had no idea this would happen. I haven't seen this demon in a decade. Last time we met he killed my parents."
Understanding shot up in the brother's eyes.
"He's the one that killed them," Sam whispered.
"Orthon is his name. He says Hell has work for me."
"What kind of work?" Dean demanded.
I shrugged.
"I'm not sure and I doubt I want to know."
We all glanced at each other, uncomfortable silence gripping the atmosphere. That's when the sound of air rushed. I tensed up but slowly relaxed as I saw the familiar figure of Castiel appear beside me. He gave me a nod before turning to the Winchesters.
"Dangerous work. All of Hell is aware of her existence".
"How? What's so special about her?" Dean asked Irritably. Hurt pierced my chest. Did he not like me?

Castiel turned and narrowed his eyes at me. "She's...different."
"Different?" I demanded. "How?"
"I can't quite tell. But I sense something not all human about you." Castiel explained.
"It didn't occur to you to tell us this before?" Sam questioned.
"I didn't sense it before. But now I do."
"So what am I, a demon?" I insisted.
Castiel shook his head. "I doubt it. Maybe my senses are wrong but they never have been. Then again, what else would demons come after you for?"
"Good question," I muttered, suddenly drowned in my own thoughts. I always felt human but there was something about surviving on my own that felt too easy. For some reason, I could survive a while without food or water, longer than most people. Then I would sometimes have strange mental feelings and breakdowns when I was alone at my cottage but I assumed it was mental trauma and heartbreak, and distress. But what made me uneasy were the memories of all the monsters I killed, the satisfaction of their blood on my hands, and the triumph I felt after a kill. But maybe that was because a monster destroyed my life, to begin with, maybe the feeling of winning felt good after everything I lost. I wasn't sure. Something told me, I needed to contact Orthon again. Though he wanted me dead, or so I believe he does and he was my worst enemy, he knew something about me that I didn't. But if he really wanted me dead, wouldn't he have killed me already? He said he was impatient watching me grow up. I didn't know of anyone else who knew as much information about me as he did. He probably knows more about me than I do. I knew contacting him would be a bad idea and the Winchesters would not approve. I somehow had to do this in secret. But their bunker was warded. I would somehow have to travel somewhere isolated, alone.

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