C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽2͓̽

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I shrank back in fear.
"What... The.... Hell..." I could barley make out the words due to my trembling body.
Storm blinked at me affectionately, her tail tip twitching to and fro.
"Why so scared, dear?"
"You're...a demon... Possessing... A cat's body. Demons they can't...possess animals."
"They can if they wish." Storm purred.
"But why? What is this about?" I asked, my voice quivering.
Storm stretched her legs. "Reasons."
I felt irritation rise inside me above the fear. "What reasons?"
Storm didn't respond. She only scratched her ear with a hindpaw. I felt panic begin to rise in my chest. This couldn't be real. This is impossible, right?
I fled from my room.

"Sam, Dean!" I called, my voice shrilled with fear. I ran panicky through the bunker's hallway. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into something hard. I fell backwards. "Are you okay?" I heard the familiar voice of Sam.
I looked up at him as Dean came from behind Sam.
"Everything okay?" Dean asked worried.
I fought for words. "Storm... She-" I stopped myself trying to process what had happened.
"She what?" Dean pressed.
"She..." I took a swallow. They'd think I'm crazy but I'd have to tell them. I couldn't keep this to myself.

"She talked.. She spoke to me.. Her eyes flashed black. She's a demon!" I exclaimed. Sam and Dean froze as if trying to process what they'd heard.
"Are you feeling okay, kid?" Dean asked jokingly.
"I'm not lying!" I spat at him.
"Right and uh, where is Storm now." I could see Dean stifling back a laugh while Sam gazed at me, in confusion, his brows furrowed.
"In my room." I told them in a whisper, my voice cracking. Storm was supposed to be my friend. When I'd found her, a faint light had shone in my life, or so I thought. I've always wanted a cat, a friend, but now I realized the entire time, I'd been fooled.
Sam and Dean barged past me to my room.
They'll see I'm right.

I followed in behind them, trailing cautiously.
They stopped at the threshold to my room. I made my way past them and into the room, pointing at Storm who lay stretched out on the bed, eyes relaxed.
"See!" I pointed. Sam and Dean blinked.
"All I see is a normal cat." Sam murmured.
I whipped around and glared at Storm.
"Speak to them like you did me or show them your black eyes!" I ordered. Storm blinked slowly and meowed, rolling over on her back, ignoring my command.
I felt hot with embarrassment and paranoia. I know what I saw, I know what I heard.
"Speak peasant!"
Storm still didn't reply. I faced the Winchesters.
"I- I know what happened. I-"
Dean cut me off.
"Nothing happened. Animals can't speak."
"She is possessed!" I snapped.
Sam gazed at me sympathetically. "I don't think that's possible, Venus."
"How would you know?" I demanded.
"Because we've been hunters longer than you've been alive." Dean stated matter of factly.
They didn't believe me. Of course they didn't.
"Are you feeling sick?" Sam asked softly, eyes round with worry.
I snapped my head up at him, fixing a cold stare him.

Sam shook his head. "Okay well Dean's right. What you described isn't possible."
I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you need to do some research."
Dean stepped close to me and gave me a narrowed glower. "Watch it." He warned.
I glowered back. "Sorry I'm just stating facts. I know I'm right."
"Do you now?"
I straighted. "Yes, I do."
Sam got between us. "Guys, stop."
Sam then turned his gaze over to me. "Look, you're probably just hallucinating. The cat is fine, you're fine-"
I cut him off. "Don't believe me then!"
Sam sighed and beckoned his brother out of the room. They didn't want to listen to me anymore. That was fine.
"Good riddance!" I called after them, irritated. I cracked my door and leaned against it with a sigh, casting a glance at Storm who now sat up, a mischievous look on her face, a look I've never seen on an animal.
"Pity, isn't it?"
"Shut up Storm." I snapped.
She pawed her ear then glanced at me with wide shining eyes.
"I thought we were besties." her green eyes, staring into my blue depths.
I snorted. "I thought we would be. But I'd never befriend a demon." my face scrunched up in disgust.
"But you're one yourself."
"Partly." I corrected. "But not completely. Plus I have more human qualities than a demon. Than you."
"Do you really believe that?" she asked, shifting her paws.
I shrugged. "I have to for the sake of my own humanity."
Storm jumped down from my bed and landed all four paws on the floor, facing me with a twitching tail.
"You lack of humanity. If you really want humanity, you'll have to work harder."
"And I suppose I'm not working hard enough now?" I ridiculed.
"You could do better." Storm encouraged.

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