C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽3͓̽

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark deep void. I seemed to float around like there was no gravity. There was nothing on every side of me. Not one sound. Where am I? The aching in my body had subsided and there was no blood staining my body. Am I dead? But if I was, what is this place of nothingness?

Suddenly a swirling mist formed in the air in front of me and melted into a figure that shone brighter than the stars and had heavenly light gleaming all around it. I squinted my eyes and tried not to look at the brightness as my eyes began to burn.
Was there another creature out to get me or was this figure simply here to lead me to the afterlife?

"Hello Venus." The figure greeted calmly. I did not recognize the voice. The light suddenly seemed to ebb and I could see the figure clearly now. It was a boy. He looked young. He had caucassian skin, dark brown hair, blueish gray eyes, looked about 5' 10", and looked to be a very young adult.
Who is this guy?
As if reading my thoughts, he smiled, his face friendly.

"I'm Jack Kline. I'm the ruler of Heaven." he tipped his head. "God, you could call me I guess."
I stood in awe. Was this the "Jack" that Cas had talked about?
"Are you the Jack that lived with Sam, Dean, and Castiel at one point and are you also the son of Lucifer and are you one the one who defeated the original God?"
He looked uncomfortable with my questions but nodded. "Yes."
I gaped. "Wow... That's so cool. Hello Jack. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm-"
"I know who you are." he interrupted. "I know all about you."
I gritted my teeth. This felt weird. "Cool."
It was then I took the chance to glance around at the empty void again. "Where am I?"
"No where, currently." Jack replied. "But you died."
"Then why am I not in the afterlife? Are you here to lead me there?"
I frowned. "Then why am I here?"
Jack sighed. "It's not your time, Venus. You weren't supposed to die today. You were supposed to live many more years. You have a duty... Had a duty. It wasn't supposed to end the way it did. I am proud that you tried your best to avoid the battle but nothing could of stopped it. Believe me when I say this, the Angels went behind my back and did all this. I had no idea they planned to kill you. I didn't think they'd ever betray me that way but that will be addressed on their return to Heaven. They won't win and neither will the Demons. This battle ends now. I will go and stop it. I should of acted sooner and took notice of the Angels doings. I'm sorry. Know that I don't want you dead Venus. You were born for a reason, to serve a purpose. You don't have to be evil. I am a Nephilim. Everyone thought I'd be the destruction of the world. Everyone wanted me for different reasons like they want you. Sam, Dean, and Cas raised me to be good and they can do the same for you. All this will be put under control. I'm sorry it ended like this."
I swallowed, a lump stuck in my throat. "That's okay Jack. Even God makes mistakes."
Jack's face grew dark. "Not like this."
"So what's my duty then, other than to stop this battle?" I asked.
Jack padded closer to me until I stared him right in his eyes. "All you're questions will be answered in time. It's not my job to tell you what you wish to know. To truly answer your own questions, you must first discover yourself and become that good being you wish to be. Even monsters can do good in this world."
"Am I a monster?" I asked worriedly.
Jack smiled. "Of course not, Venus."
He gently placed his hand on my face and I relished its warmth. He felt so safe, so calming, so positive. It felt like around him, anything was possible.

"I'm going to bring you back to life." Jack murmured. "I'm coming with you. I'm going to stop this battle once and for all, alright?"
I nodded.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
Was I ready? Part of me didn't want to go back but I had a duty, a destiny. It wasn't my time to die. So I would continue to live for as long as breath held in my body.
"I'm ready." I finally responded after brief hesitation and a deep inhale.
"Okay." Jack replied.

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