C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽

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The sun had gone down and the moon shone like a single claw in the sky. It was near the time I heard the two men at the restaurant say they were going to hunt the vampire nest. I grabbed my bag, packed my machete and a few other materials, made my way across the deserted roads, and walked for about twenty minutes. Sometimes I got scared that I'd get lost when out wandering or doing something so I set up a tracker on my phone to know where I am and where my cottage is. Right now my phone was tucked safely in my bag and all I had was my flashlight and full concentration.

Finally, the old farmland came into view. I hopped over a gate and walked down an eerie dirt road, keeping low and quiet. I was alert and scanned my surroundings. I didn't see any sign of the men yet. I was early. I eventually walked down the dirt road far enough to see an old barn that lay in dark shadows. I grabbed my machete out of my bag and approached the barn quietly. As I was getting closer, thoughts swarmed my head. How many vampires were there? Was this a good idea or would I get killed? I tossed my doubts aside and found my way to a side door of the barn. It was surprisingly unlocked and I opened it as quietly as possible and peeked in. All was silent, no sight of movement. Was this the right place? I closed the door softly behind me and let my gaze sweep the shadows whilst scanning the old barn. I dimmed my flashlight and scouted near the ceiling. To my surprise, I found long chains dangling down and figures were hanging from the chains, limp and lifeless. I turned the brightness up on my flashlight and saw that they were people, blood poured from their necks and their eyes glazed over. I staggered back in shock.

"Well well, what do we have here?" a menacing voice chuckled from the shadows. I whipped around and saw a man and a few other figures making their quickly toward me, a wicked smirk across their lips. I gripped my machete ready to strike.
"Now, why are we in here hmm? You lost, little girl?"
I straightened and stood tall. "No," I growled. "I'm here to kill you." that's when I revealed my machete.
"You've done lost your mind girl. You ain't killing no one, not here, not now, not ever." the one in front scowled. His companions let out laughs of menace.
"You've been draining bodies and killing innocent people!" I roared.
The leader smirked. "You must be a hunter's kid. You seem to know our kind, darling."
I shook my head. "I'm a lone hunter. I hunt alone, fight alone, kill alone. I won't let you hurt anyone ever again." I said affirmatively. "Get ready y'all, we are about to have a late-night snack!"

That's when they lunged at me. I dodged sideways and swung my blade aiming for their throats as their long sharp fangs glistened in their wide-open jaws. One of them aimed a blow at me. I ducked from underneath him and got up behind him, slicing his head off clean. Then hands grasped around my throat. I turned around and banged my head into theirs, ignoring the pain. The vampire staggered back for a moment allowing me to slice its head off clean too. I was doing well. Or so I thought before I felt pain sear through my back as I was kicked. I toppled over and dropped my blade. I was about to reach for it when I felt a screeching pain in my hand as a large foot stepped on it. I yelped in pain and tried to use my other arm to deliver a blow but I was pinned down. The clear face of the leader showed in the dim light.

"You picked the wrong nest, girl." he opened his mouth to reveal those ugly sharp fangs. I braced myself for the scorching pain while letting out screams of terror. But to my surprise, the pain never came. Instead, the vampire's weight was lifted off me. I sat up to see those two men from the restaurant earlier knock into him and behead him quickly then slice all those other nasty vamps leaving only their bodies and heads and blood splatters in the old barn. I don't know why but I was frozen in shock. They saved me...

"Hey, you alright?" the one I believed was named Dean asked while helping me to my feet.
"Y-yeah." I stuttered.
The other one, Sam joined in. Once they got a clear view of me, their faces turned confused.
"What are you doing here, kid? Are you crazy?"
"I'm hunting vamps like you," I replied.
"Wait... How old are you?" Dean asked.
I smirked. "Does it matter?"
"Ugh, yeah it does actually," he stated firmly as I walked away, examining the corpses. "It's rare to walk in and see a fricken kid smiting vamps."
"I'm sixteen if you must know," I grunted.
"Yeah, still a kid." Sam joined in.
I shrugged. "I've been doing it for over ten years, I'm good at it, a pro to be exact."
"Yeah, I see that," Dean said sarcastically.
I let out a snort. "Anyways, thanks for your help." I began to walk towards the barn door.
I turned around. "What?"
"Where are your parents?" the one named Sam asked, a confused expression on his face.
"Dead. Any more questions?"
"Yeah, who takes care of you?"
"Me, myself, and I." I snickered.
"It's okay if you don't want to tell us-" Sam began.
"No, I'm dead serious, asshat. I live alone, hunt alone, and survive. Ever since the age of six."
They both looked taken back.

I nodded.
"Survive where?" Dean asked. Their questions were irritating me.
"In an abandoned cottage in the middle of the damn woods!"
"Watch, it. We just saved your ass." Dean warned.
"I didn't ask you to." 
"Exactly. You're welcome by the way."
"You guys really should keep quieter at your booth when you eat, you spoke loud enough for me to hear your entire plan to go to the morgue and then come here to kill these vampires. That's what led me here. I was hoping to beat you and kill them all before you arrived but that turned out so well." I stated sarcastically.
"Mhmm, and you could have gotten killed." this Dean guy was getting on my nerves. I've only known him for five seconds and he already sounds like a dick.
"Yes Dean, I know. I've been doing it long enough to know what I'm doing though, thanks."

He narrowed his eyes, suspicion glittering in his gaze. "How do you know my name."
I nodded to his companion. "That's Sam. You guys really should keep quieter at the table."
I tried to walk away once more but was stopped by a large hand on my shoulder.
"Where are you going?" Dean demanded.
"No, absolutely not. You may have lived alone for ten years but kid, you are very skinny, most likely malnourished, and a little too rebellious. How often do you hunt?"
It was then I saw him glancing at my scars. "Quite a lot" I replied. "It all started with demons... Came home from an innocent walk at the age of six to find my parents died."
I saw Sam shake his head and mutter to himself. "Always starts with demons".
"You don't have any family left at all?"

I shook my head. My parents never really had contact with any other family members if I had any at all. For all I knew, my whole life could have been a lie. My parents were probably hunters and I had no idea. Why else would they be killed?

"Why don't you come with us for a bit? We can get you settled for a little while before thinking about the next steps." Dean offered.
I shifted uncomfortably once again thinking about the demon who told me to trust no one. But these men just saved me, giving me nothing but concern. Knowing how risky it was, I decided to give them a chance anyway.
"Okay," I replied. "I'll have to go back to my cottage and gather everything I need and don't make any wrong move. Trust me when I say, I'm loaded with weapons." my threat didn't seem to scare them at all but they took the hint.  Before we walked out of the barn I turned back to them one more time." My name is Venus by the way". After all that, they offered to drive me to my cottage and I gathered everything I needed for the next step of my journey. Little did I know how much these two men would impact the rest of my life...

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