C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽5͓̽

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A scream of pain and fury erupted from a dark enclosed room followed by hysterical laughter.

"Keep moving!" a dark haired female demon snarled menacingly at the figure who was chained, chains dragging along his feet, hands, and neck. Her companion flanked the figure nudging him forward. All the figure did was spit taunts and remarks which earned him more slashes of a blade across his bare chest.
"Fuck you, whore!" The figure cursed at the female flanking one side of him while her companion grunted in annoyance. The female demon lashed out at him again, slashing a sharp blade across his torso. The figure screamed again with clenched teeth but didn't last long before his hysterical laughter returned.
This time the figure said nothing just smirked. He was dragged forward, leaving the enclosed room and traveling down a long hallway towards a big room, a stone carved throne sitting above a few cracked stone steps.

Figures crowded the throne on the hard gray rocky floor, glancing back at the demons who emerged in the room.
The prisoner was hauled forward and fell to his knees. The prisoner who was also a demon was covered in wounds and gashes from his torture. Blood trickled from his mouth and he chuckled, scanning the room at the demons who glared at him with hatred but some with delight and admiration.
Among the crowd, he spotted his friends, companions who tried their best to keep their glare to convince those around them.
The prisoner's gaze then turned to the stone throne. A dark figure emerged from the throne's shadows and his eyes glowed yellow in the gloom. The prisoner rose to his feet to meet the powerful demon's glower.

"Orthon." Apollyon's deep voice echoed off the walls.
Orthon tried his best to stand tall, to look strong despite his wounds, pain, and nearly unbearable humiliation.
The crowd parted, letting the powerful yellow eyed demon through.

"Orthon." Apollyon repeated as he finally stood nose to nose with the prisoner. "What have you to say for yourself?"
Orthon's gaze narrowed in defiance.
"What have I to say, Apollyon? I've done nothing wrong."
"Nothing wrong?" Apollyon snorted in disbelief, circling the chained Orthon several times like a vulture.
"You've given birth to a child, a Cambion, 16 years ago and only now are we discovering this." Apollyon continued, his voice cold as ice.
Orthon didn't respond but every part of him told him to spit in the scarred demon's face but he planned to get out of here alive.
"Who was the human, hmm? What was her name?"
Orthon suddenly remembered in which the woman he slaughtered after Venus was born.
"Ivy." Orthon murmured, voice gruff.
"Ivy." Apollyon thought for a moment. "Beautiful name. Why impregnate her though, Orthon?"
The question caught Orthon by surprise. He remembered the beautiful young woman vividly. Her beautiful pale skin, her smooth long brown hair, and her gorgeous eyes.
"I loved her." Orthon admitted. While he may of told Ivy she was nothing to him but a pleasurable experience, deep down he felt a connection to the woman who was the mother of his child.

Apollyon let out hysterical laughter, wiping a fake tear. "Funny. Demons don't feel love. They shouldn't. So even if you did feel the smallest speck of love for her.." Apollyon paused, his face scrunched on disgust. "She's nothing. She's dead. You killed her. But you did birth one of the most powerful beings in existence. That I'll appreciate. I've met the girl for myself. Feisty one she is. She snapped one of my demons to nothing but smoke. She is a danger to all of us. I thought maybe.. Just maybe I could use her or let her rule by my side but I don't see her being obedient to my demands."

Orthon felt a twinge of guilt then pride surged his chest. His daughter had stood up to Orthon, her rebellion scared Apollyon.
Orthon didn't let himself get to close to the girl mainly because their first encounters had been bad, not pretty. Even though he'd promised himself he'd never love her or consider her his daughter, deep down he wanted to have a relationship with her. It was a protective father feeling. He wanted to protect her from Apollyon. Maybe she could protect him too. But getting her to side with him would be hard enough.
Orthon let his gaze scan to some of his fellow demon friends in the crowd. He had a plan he had made with them. They were going to escape Hell, escape Apollyon's wrath. Most of Hell assumed he'd be leader sooner than later. Some demons weren't happy about that when the rumor had spread.
Orthon needed one of his friends to cause a distraction while him and his friends fled. There was a place in Hell, if they ran far enough they could escape out of Hell and reach earth. Orthon didn't want to bear anymore torture. It was only a matter of time before Apollyon ordered his demons to kill him. He wasn't dying today.
Out of the corner of his eye, Orthon saw one of his friends nod.

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