C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 5͓̽

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I opened my eyes, confused and dazed. I tried to move but I seemed to be stuck. I attempted to move my hands but nothing happened. They were stuck together. It felt like they were tied. I looked down at me feet and they were tied together. I was unable to move my body. I was bound with ropes. I grunted with effort to move but it was no use.

"You aren't going anywhere." a familar voice told me echoing through this strange looking room I was in that had almost nothing in it. Below me was a giant pentagram. I looked up and saw Sam, Dean, and Castiel all sitting down in a chair facing me, their eyes narrowed in distrust.

"Really?" I sighed. "What's with the ropes?"
"Don't you remember?" Dean asked, standing up and slowly making his way towards me. "I remember." I replied. "I tried to kill the demon who killed my parents. So what?"
"So what?" Dean echoed in disbelief. "You weren't just trying to kill that demon. I could hear your angry screaming before I even entered the woods, the hate and anger when you attacked him. Not to mention, you weren't acting normal."
"You barley know me!" I spat.
"I know you well enough that you don't go off to get revenge!"

I gritted my teeth. "You don't know what vengeance I desire." then something occurred to me. How did they even know where I was?
"How did you even find me?" I questioned.
Castiel spoke this time. "I was doing some angel business and I sensed a strange energy. I arrived at the bunker seeing that you were gone and I told Sam and Dean and my senses led me to you. You were giving off a powerful energetic force."
"What the hell does that even mean?" I muttered.
"It means you caused that storm. You were in such rage, you caused lightning to streak across the sky." Sam explained.
I snorted with amusement. "What am I? Thor? I can't make it storm. I'm not God."
"Venus, your eyes were red." Sam told me warily.
They were definitely being insane.

"How did you manage to get all the way to that forest with no car?" Dean asked sternly, his arms crossed. I grinned with amusement. "I called a cab, got some of my money, had the cab drop me off at the city then I bought some things for a demon summoning spell and summoned a demon."
They all looked taken back.

"I was planning to come back afterwards. I had enough money for another cab." I continued when they didn't say anything. A silence gripped the room after my words. I was getting glares from all of them. I let out a chuckle. "You guys looked pissed off."
Dean made his way closer to me. "You think this is funny?"
I smirked. "I think it's hilarious."
"You know what else is hilarious?" Dean prompted.
"That you'll be staying down here tied up until I let you out."
This was outrageous! "What? No way! Do you not trust me?"
Sam looked away, sorrow filling his distant gaze. "Venus, we aren't even sure you're human. You aren't acting like one at all."
I felt anger surge inside me. "I'm not staying in here like a trapped dog!"
"You don't have a choice!" Dean yelled.
"Idiots." I muttered under my breath.
"What was that?" I felt Dean's shadow completely loom over me now.
"I was saying you guys are idiots. You seriously think these ropes can hold me?"

Easily, I slipped my hands out of the ropes that tied my hands behind my back and snapped the rope that tied my feet and ripped off the rope that bound me to the chair. The Winchesters look taken back. They reached for whatever weapons they had in their pockets.
"Relax. I'm not going to hurt anyone." I promised.
"How did you do that?" Sam asked.
I shrugged. "I have my ways I guess."
Dean clearly wasn't satisfied with my answer. I felt him slam me against the wall and put a gun up to my head. "He asked you a question!"
It was at that moment, I felt sudden fear stir within me. I felt trapped at this moment, a sudden realization sweeping over me. They were angry, very angry. I did something wrong. I went behind their backs and was acting not like a normal individual at all.
"Please Dean. Don't hurt me."
"That ain't gonna work kid. Act as innocent as you want. You're just another monster." I saw his finger hold the trigger.
"Dean!" Sam yelled. He pulled his brother away.
"What the hell are you doing? She's a monster, Sam!"
"We don't know that." Castiel chimed in.
"Seriously? Was what we saw not enough proof?"
"I don't think she is a demon Dean." Castiel explained. "I don't sense anything demonic in her. But there are some mysterious powers she most likely has that I'm unsure of."
"And that's not safe!" Dean reasoned.
"Well obviously but she is just a sixteen year old kid, Dean." Sam put in.
"Have we not played this game a million times? Age doesn't matter when it comes to monsters! We always let the younger ones get to us! Not this time! Kid or not, she has to be put down, she's dangerous!"

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