C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 2͓̽6͓̽

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The sun had long gone down and all the stores in town were now closed. Me and Aidan had driven to a pier which was deserted and only faintly lit up by moonlight and the distant lighthouse. We had spoken occasionally on the way but were now in silent solitude as we walked together, side by side, bodies brushing and hands holding as we made our way along the pier until we made our way to its end which stretched little ways beyond. It was a long pier and even with the distant lighthouse and moonlight casting light below, it still wasn't enough to see directly ahead so Aidan turned on his phone flashlight the whole trek to the pier's end. He then turned it off as we settled and let only the faint glimmer of light cast in front of us. The water was turned silver at the lighthouse's bright glittering illumination. The moonlight lit the dark water, revealing its ripples among the waves. The sound of the soft waves crashing below was peaceful and welcoming. Me and Aidan turned to each other. Pure affection shone in his depths and I could feel that same affection in my own as I gazed at his handsome figure.

"God it's been so long, Venus." Aidan whispered before wrapping me in a hug. I embraced it and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Sure has, hasn't it?" I replied. "I'm surprised you remember me."
Aidan broke away from the hug, looking slightly hurt. "Why wouldn't I remember you? That night we met was one if not the best night of my life. I'm sure it was for you too. I know you were only visiting Ohio and I'm glad you were because it gave me that chance to meet you. I wouldn't change a thing."
I sighed. "Me neither. It's almost like it was meant to be, ya know?"
Aidan chuckled. "Yeah. It seems so. But what hurts now is that I know tonight... It'll be a fun night but then it'll be over and we won't see each other again for a long time. We live so far apart... And I.. Hate it." his voice broke and it was hoarse and he turned away for a moment but I gently grabbed his cheek and made him look into my eyes.
"That may be true but focus on the now, Aidan. What matters is now. We'll focus on the later when it comes. Can't we relish this moment?"
Aidan seemed to regain himself and shook his head in embarrassment, amusement plastered across his face. "Yeah. You're right. Sorry. It's just that I don't want to leave you again."
"I understand. And know that we will visit again after tonight, I'll make sure of that and maybe even someday it'll be more than just visiting. We could be together permanently."
But as soon as those words left my mouth, I felt my heart nearly stop and I regretted speaking.

Was that even possible? Could we really be together permanently? If being a hunter is what I truly wanted to do, then this wouldn't be possible. I didn't want to drag Aidan into the life and risk losing him and if he knew the truth about my life, he'd call me crazy and run away without looking back. But even if I had to pretend everything was normal to be with him, how long would that really last? I wanted to continue the Winchester's legacy and wanted to save people and hunt things and I knew romance couldn't fit in with the life. It just wasn't possible. Having kids wouldn't be possible. Hunting would be nearly a full time job, one in which payed nothing and could end up getting me in jail if I wasn't careful enough. Being a hunter meant breaking laws and lying to people. If I became a hunter, the closest things I'd have to family would still be Sam, Dean, and Cas. But when they were gone the closest thing I'd have to family would be hunter friends, if I was even that lucky. But they would all eventually die too. Being a hunter meant you'd probably have a short life, while I am a Cambion and a lot harder to kill, that still wouldn't change a thing. Eventually I'd be alone, all alone If I only devoted myself to the life. Was that what I truly wanted? I couldn't have Aidan and be a hunter at the same time. It was all frustrating. I wanted both but could only pick one.

I felt my teeth grit and my body tense as I tried to suppress a growl of frustration.

"Venus?" I heard Aidan's worried voice. "Are you okay?"
I straightened, making my voice soft. "Of course. I'm okay since I'm here with you." I leaned my head on his neck, breathing in his fresh scent.
Aidan chuckled in amusement. "Why so clingy all the sudden?"
I seemed to purr. "Shut up."
I felt his breath ruffle my hair and he seemed to be breathing in my scent too, trying to get used to it. We did this for a few moments before we broke away and stared out at the water again.

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