Chapter 45: Ugly Girl

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The day of their trip to Incheon finally came. Minji kissed Sunshine goodbye and called Chul so she can give the keys of the apartment to him. Chul agreed to stay in her place while she was away and he even helped her pack her suitcase last night.

Jung Kook would be picking her up in front of their apartment as agreed. The week passed by and the two of them being casual is doing fine to Minji's point. They will greet each other when meeting in hallways and if there is a chance to talk, he will tell about a movie that she and Hana watched together while she will just listen and be jealous as she imagine them cuddling in his bed.

There isn't really much to tell about Jung Kook in their brief encounters, because her week has been limited to work, Sunshine and crying herself to sleep. She thought of nothing about Jung Kook, despising herself for not staying in the backstage with him and thinking how everything would have turned out if she did.

"But isn't this what I wanted anyway?" She asked herself many times that already and the answer always remained yes but she can't help regret her decision. It is painful seeing him everyday smiling at her as if what happened between them had never existed in the first place.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Jung Kook honked his car and stopped in front of her. He went outside and greeted her with a smile and Minji was filled with butterflies in her stomach while her heart kept on fluttering. He was wearing a grey winter coat which fits his chest perfectly. She bit her lip at the thought of the moments where she used to rest her head there but scolded herself for thinking about the past again.

He was rubbing his palms and blowing in it when he walked towards her. "Hi, Minji" He smiled at her and instead of responding to her greeting she blushed. He took his suitcase and placed it inside the trunk. Minji was about to walk to open the door of the passenger seat, but Jung Kook opened the back seat instead.

"Hana's seated in front." Minji just nodded and went inside the car and was greeted by Hana.

"Hi, Minji! How are you?" Hana in her upbeat voice asked.

"I'm doing great. What about you?" She smilingly asked.

"Happy." Hana then looked at Jung Kook and he returned her look, held her hand before he started to drive. Minji was the bare witness on how they exchanged looks.

Minji busied herself looking outside the window, staring at how the snow covered the city. She didn't like winter; their house used to be freezing cold during winter and the pipes are frozen so she had to fetch water elsewhere and boil it so it can be used around the house. Men, for some reason, are hornier when cold because her mom's customers are inside the bar as early as 3 PM for a booze or a quick fuck.

For Minji, winter is a sad season. Most of her schoolmates would ice skate on the frozen lake or make snow angels on the knee-deep snow but most of the time, she is trembling in cold, waiting outside their house, hearing loud moans coming from her mom and a random man who is seeking comfort from her mom's arms. Her mom forbid her to enter the house and it's not because she wants her to freeze, but because she doesn't want her to see what those men are doing to her.

But Minji is smart. She knows what they did to her. The hickeys on Mary Grace' neck are plentiful during winter. Sometimes, there are bruises on her wrists, on her chests and legs too. The bruises that her mom received during winter are equivalent to three squares of meal. Sometimes even more if the guy is generous. Her mom was a beaten-up love doll during winter and that is why winter makes her sad.

Jung Kook and Hana were chatting, Minji cannot really relate and she had no plans of interfering with their talk, however, at the rear view mirror, Jung Kook cannot control himself from stealing glances from her.

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