Chapter 65: Another Birthday

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Jung Kook laid out a picnic blanket on the grass so he can finally sit on it. Chul handed him a bottled water before he ran towards the twins who are playing tag. Jung Kook wiped the sweat formed on his forehead before opening the icy cold bottled water. His eyes wandered to Chul and the twins momentarily, grateful that the weather, though sunny, isn't humid before he faced the tombstone and weakly smiled at it.

"Starlight did her best to draw us...her teacher always complimented her art skills." He held his daughter's drawing to stare to a complete family in the drawing. He sighed deeply. His thoughts were consumed by Minji daily and though he knows that thinking about her will not change a thing, he just can't help it. It's different without her. He feels incomplete.

"Sir, the baker just called and told me that they can't deliver the cake here. I'll just pick it up." Chul interrupted his thoughts.

"Uncle Chul, bring us with you pleaaaasssseee!" Moonlight laughed seeing how his godfather struggled in taking a step when the twins clung on his legs like little monkeys.

Chul carried them both in his arms, groaning when he lifted them  both. "Goodness, you guys are getting heavier." Jung Kook laughed and throw the key to him which Moonlight caught. Chul has changed a lot since he broke up with Aiden. He has matured a lot and even his priorities changed. Jung Kook was sad when he heard that the two broke up; Chul wanted to support Aiden's dream to be a better obstetrician. Aiden hesitated in going to Dubai when an offer was given to him but Chul insisted that he go.

"It's his dream to study vaginas." Chul joked while drinking with Jung Kook and Jimin a day after Aiden left. That was the first time that Jung Kook saw Chul broken.

"How can I compete with vaginas when I don't even have one?" Tears just rolled down from Chul's face while drinking a beer. Jimin gave him a hug and when Chul rested on Jimin's shoulder, he just let it all out. It has been a dark time for Chul, trying to move on from Aiden, but Jimin was there, all the way to help him heal. Months after, Chul, though still broken is now a stronger person. He loves spending time with the twins and is considering adopting.

"Use my car." Chul just nodded. The twins waved goodbye to him. After they left, Jung Kook opened his phone and played videos of the twins, showing it to the tombstone.

"I caught Moonlight dancing. It was funny..." Then he played a video of Moonlight swaying his hips to a funky-pop song. He was telling the tombstone how Moonlight's face was really red when he caught him.

"He told me not to show this to anyone..." Jung Kook mentioned before playing another video. After five videos, he was telling the tombstone what they did for the week, as if catching it up with their lives. He will pause at one point, like he was waiting for a response beyond the grave. Then, he played another video; it was their wedding day. Him and Minji's first dance as husband and wife. This was his favorite pasttime whenever he would miss her. He remembered Minji, his beautiful wife, smiling and eyes full of love for him when they danced that night. He didn't even mind that she stepped on his brand new leather shoes twice. He remembered their kiss before he lifted and twirled her around which made their guests laughed because of how silly they looked, but they didn't care. It didn't matter so long as they have each other.

"I miss you, babe." He said outloud. He's been lonely without Minji around, and there are times wherein he couldn't take it anymore. He played another video of them, he already lost count on how many times he had to replay that, thinking that it would make him miss Minji less, but the opposite always happened. He's about to cry again when a pair of arms hugged him from the behind.

"What are you showing eomma?" Jung Kook almost squealed but when he saw Minji's face, he quickly grabbed his wife and carried her, while he jumped for joy.

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