Chapter 13: Laundry

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It was already 10 in the morning when Jung Kook woke up. He noticed that his room is getting dusty so he cleaned it first before bringing down a hamper full of his clothes to be washed.

When he went down, his eyes quickly got the attention of the note that Minji left for him thanking him for the food. He removed it and threw it out in the bin. He received a text from Jimin.

"BBQ and game at Sam's?" Sam is one of their college friends.

"His wife isn't home?" Jung Kook asked.

"Sam told that she went to visit her parents. We can bring girls." Jung Kook almost threw up the coffee that he just drank.

"Are you sure you even want one?" He joked. Jimin's sexuality was never their topic and he cannot confirm really his preference. He couldn't care less if his friend prefers cocks over vags. What matters is that he remained true and loyal to him all these years.

"I can manage two. Bring beers or I'll fuck your sweet ass, princess." Jung Kook kept on giggling at their sillyness.

"Yes, Daddy. 😉" That was his finaly reply before he picked up his hamper to the laundry area. He passed by the maid's quarter without knowing that Minji is inside trembling in coldness.

He was seperating his whites and colored clothes when he received a call from a realtor. He slapped his hand on his forehead for forgetting their meeting. He apologized that he will be late but did promise that he will show up.

He immediately ran upstairs to get changed, promising to his self that he will do his laundry tomorrow. He wore a plain white shirt and an acid-washed jeans. He doesn't have to look corporate as this is the weekend but his clothes outlined his body perfectly. He is one step closer to his dream after all.

"Thanks,  but no thanks Dad" were his final words before he sped away.

Minji heard a car drove away and got the idea that Jung Kook might've left. She didn't want to risk it so she asked his Uncle Cris if he can text Jung Kook for her to ask his whereabouts. She didn't wait long for a reply. The lawyer informed her that Jung Kook is meeting a realtor for the publishing company that he would like to start. Minji immediately felt proud of Jung Kook's action and blushed while thinking about him.

When she went outside the room, her body felt warm instantly. The maid's quarters is near the back door where the sunlight hits and she has longed for warmth for so long. She sauntered to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee.

After finishing her latte, she sauntered upstairs to snoop around because there are still two rooms that she hasn't explored yet. She entered the smaller door to the right and a nursery stood before her eyes. She was biting her thumbnail while she walked around the egg shelled colored room. The floor was carpeted and in the corner lies a crib with little bed and pillows in it.

There was also a couch beside the window and bins with stuffed toys in it. She let out a deep sigh knowing that this room will never serve its purpose.

"It's not like I want to have kids with him, anyway." 

She noticed that the crib is already dusty so she decided that today's activity is to clean. She wiped the crib and sanitized it, fluffed the bed and pillow and placed some stuffed toys in it. Some of the toys were also dusty already so she placed them in one box and went downstairs to clean it using the washing machine.

She placed the box on top of the washer and while she is taking them out one by one, enjoying the toys which she never had when she was a kid, she noticed that a Jung Kook's clothes were left on the side.

"He is so busy, he might not be able to do his laundry."

Minji's hand started to reach for Jung Kook's clothes, starting with the whites inside the washer. He has few white shirts and a lot of black, baggy, clothes. While she was waiting for the whites to be finished, she was checking Jung Kook's pockets for anything that might get soiled when placed inside the washer. There were mostly candy wrappers and coins when her hands searched inside his jeans so she was surprised when she pulled out a lacy, black panty outside jean number 4.

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