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I look out the airship window and just smile. After years of training I've finally done it, I got accepted into Beacon. I look forward and see a girl that makes my cheeks heat up. She has platinum hair with blue eyes and pale skin. I find myself getting up and walking over to her.

Y/N: *in head* "What're you doing idiot?" *out loud* "Hi."

Girl: "Hello."

Y/N: *holds out hand* "I'm Y/N L/N."

Luna: *shakes hand* "Luna Elaine."

We sit in silence for a moment before I start a new topic.

Y/N: "What's your semblance?"

Luna: "I can produce a light so intense that it can burn through metal. What about you?"

Y/N: "I'm afraid nothing quite so spectacular. Just makes me fight without thinking."

 Luna: "So you become a barbarian?"

Y/N: "I suppose I do."

We both share a laugh when a hologram of a woman appears.

Woman: "Hello and welcome to Beacon."

Girl: "Who's that?"

Glynda: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch and you all have been selected to attend this great school. Our world is in a time of peace and it's your job to maintain it. You've proven you have the skills for just such a task. Therefore it's our responsibility to provide you the knowledge to aid you in your task."

Her hologram disappears and we're shown the aerial view of Vale. I hear talking and see two girls talking to each other. I walk over to them and go introduce myself.

Y/N: "Hi, I'm Y/N."

Yang: "Nice to meet you. I'm Yang and this is my baby sister Ruby."

Ruby: "Hello."

Y/N: "You guys excited about attending Beacon?"

Yang: "Yep, been dreaming of this moment."

Ruby: "I am but also slightly nervous."

Y/N: "I'm sure you'll do fine."

The door opens and we're shown the great Beacon academy. I walk with the other students and arrive at an auditorium. I look forward and see headmaster Ozpin walking onto a stage.

Ozpin: "I'll keep this short. You've all come a long way to get here. You came here to hone and perfect your skill. Looking at you all I see is wasted potential in need of guidance. You assume that the knowledge you get here will free you from this. But while here you'll learn the cold hard fact that knowledge can only get you so far."

He walks away while Glynda takes his place.

Glynda: "You're all to gather in the ballroom tonight. Get plenty of rest for tomorrow you'll take your initiation."

That night I just sit down in my spot when I see Luna walk into view. She sits down at her sleeping bag and begins brushing her hair when I walk over and sit down next to her.

Luna: "Hello again Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey, what're the odds of meeting here?"

I laugh nervously while she smiles and rolls her eyes. 

Y/N: "You nervous about initiation?"

Luna: "A little. My semblance isn't all that powerful while in the heat of battle."

Y/N: "Why?"

Luna: "In order to generate the light I have to concentrate on it. Unfortunately I can't fight and concentrate at the same time. So I'll be relying solely on combat."

Y/N: "Well I wish you the best of luck."

Luna smiles when I head back to my sleeping bag and head off to sleep. Come morning I collect my sword and head to Beacon Cliff where I spot Glynda and Ozpin.

Ozpin: "For years you've trained to become warriors. And today your skills will be put to the test."

Glynda: "In response to rumors on teams, they're true and you'll be given them today."

Ozpin: "The first person you seen after landing shall be your partner for the next four years. Once you've received a partner head to the north end of the forest. Once there you'll see a temple housing relics. Get one and return here so that you may receive a grade. Now, any questions?"

Boy: "Yes, sir?"

Ozpin: "Good, now take your positions."

I get into a crouched stance and am then flung into the air to the forest.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now