Train Rider

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Nora: "I can't believe we'll be heading for Argus. Beautiful beaches and amazing coastline; do you think it's too early for beach season?"

Ren: "It's highly likely, but at least we'll be closer to Atlas."

Weiss: "Glad to see you all excited, you all have no idea how hard I had to try and escape."

Ruby: "We know you're worried, but we're right behind you. We won't ever leave you."

Man: "No one needs to be worried while we're around."

Weiss: "And you two are?"

Dee: "Dee and Dudley, Argus Limited's Huntsmen. It'll be our duty to keep the train safe."

Dudley: "But for an extra tip we'll make sure your cars get more attention."

Qrow: "Here's a tip, buzz off."

Dee: "You're talking-"

Qrow: *holds out scroll* "A professional Huntsman. One of you heroes seem to have left the caboose entrance open."

Dudley: "I didn't do it."

Dee: "Come on."

Oscar: "Seeing those two makes me feel safe knowing that saving the world is our job and not theirs."

Everyone: "Agreed."

Our train is called and we load up. I lay on my bed when I see Aku appear against the train window.

Y/N: "Did you need something?"

Aku: "Not really."

Y/N: "You look like something's on your mind."

Aku: "Something just doesn't feel right. Feels like we're just heading for disaster."

Y/N: "You know what your problem is? You think too bleak; try to loosen up and have some fun."

Aku just rolls his eyes when I sit up.

Y/N: "A while back when you said we should at least try to be friends, I'm finally willing to give you a chance."

Aku looks at me and is genuinely shocked.

Aki: "You wanna be friends now?"

Y/N: "Yes, I believe everyone deserves a chance." *holds out hand* "Friends?"

Aku: *smiles and shakes hand* "Friends."

I let go and go check on Charlotte. I arrive at RWBY's room and see Charlotte playing a fighting game with the girls. I smile at them when the train rumbles. Everyone but Charlotte head to the top of the train; we get on and see Manticores buzzing around. I withdraw my weapons and prepare myself. 

A Manticore lands and roars at me. It then launches a fireball at me which I roll to the side to avoid. I push off my foot and cut the Manticore's face. It roars when I jam my gun down its throat and fire. Its head explodes as another Manticore lunges forward. I hold out my sword and keep it from bringing its claws down on me.

I get brought down to my knee when the Manticore's head explodes. I push the disintegrating body off of me when I see the Grimm flying away form the train. I look back and see a tunnel coming into view. I dive back inside and regroup with the others to find Qrow arguing with Dudley.

Dudley: "I'm in charge, not you!"

Qrow: "Well then forgive me for not feeling safe!"

Ruby: "That's enough, please just turn off the turrets."

Jaune: "We know what we're doing."

Dudley: "Fine."

Nora: "Ren, think you can hide everyone on the train?"

Ren: "I don't know, I've never attempted to mask this many people."

Jaune: "Well you never had my help, I can amplify your Aura."

Qrow: "Hey, yeah, with the passengers hidden and guns off we can hopefully give the Grimm the slip."

Ozpin: "I'm afraid that there's only one problem, the Grimm are drawn towards the lamp."

Y/N: "You have got to be kidding."

Yang: "Why not tell us this!?"

Ruby: "That shouldn't be our main concern. What should is making sure the passengers are safe. Jaune, you and your team shall get the passengers and take them to the front cars to be hidden. Once they are me and the others will disconnect the back cars and keep the Grimm busy."

Jaune: "Just promise you'll meet us in Argus."

Ruby: "I promise."

We leave and head top side to deal with the Grimm. I withdraw my sword and gun then run at two charging Manticores. I slide between them and cut one in half while shooting the head off the other. I get to my feet and see a giant Sphinx roaring at me. It launches a fireball but I jump and land on its back. 

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now