Uninvited Guest

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Y/N: "Luna?"

Luna: "Hello honey."

Y/N: "I thought you were dead."

Luna: "I was, but I came back stronger and with a new purpose."

Suddenly three other people walk through the portal with Cinder and her two being among them. 

Y/N: "Why're you working for these people!?"

Luna: "Because they made me stronger, and for that I owe my services."

I clench my fists to the point my knuckles turn white.

Y/N: "You'll pay for taking Luna away!!!!"

I withdraw my sword and run to Cinder. I go to slash her but end up locking blades with Luna.

Luna: "I won't let you near her."

Y/N: "Luna please, come back to us."

Luna: "You killed me, why would I ever work with you again?"

She swings her sword and knocks mine away. She then slams her foot into my ribs sending me away. I stop myself and twist left dodging Luna's blade. I grab Luna's neck, sling over my shoulder and onto the ground. She recovers and takes out my legs; I land on my back and roll avoiding her foot.

I backflip onto my feet and slash diagonally. She blocks it and puts her hand on my left side. A beam of light is fired and I'm launched into the air. I slam my shoulder on the ground and hear something crack. I roll onto my back only to have Luna stomp on my broken collarbone. I shout in pain when Luna sits on me with her knee resting on my collarbone. 

Luna: "How does it feel to be the one in pain this time?"

Luna punches the severe burn mark on my side making scream in pain so hard my voice cracks. 

Y/N: "Luna listen, you don't need to do this."

Luna: "On the contrary, I very much do. My goal is to help stop you goody two shoes heroes."

Y/N: "You're being used. You must break their hold."

Luna: "Oh but that's where you're wrong, I'm not. I'm doing all of this on my own free will."

Luna punches my burn mark again when I grab her wrist and toss her off of me. I get to my feet and hold my burn mark which is now bleeding pretty decently. I push my pain to the side when I see the world go black. 

3rd POV

Inside Y/N's head Emerald walks around looking for his psyche only to find nothing but darkness.

Emerald: "Is there really nothing going on in his head?"

Aku: *voice over* "Sorry, but you're not in Y/N's mind. You're in mine."

Emerald: "And who are you?"

Aku: "I'm the other person inside Y/N's head. You're an uninvited guest, so prepare to get hurt."

Emerald: "I'm not scared of you."

Aku: "You're brave, but I'm gonna show you what it truly means to be afraid."

Emerald is drowned in darkness until a single spotlight shines on her. She looks around when footsteps are heard coming towards her. She readies herself when out of the shadows walks Cinder.

Emerald: "Cinder? What're you doing here?"

The seemingly Cinder doesn't say anything and instead just smiles. She then bursts into dust as the scene changes to an alleyway.

Aku: *voice over* "Recognize this place? It's the place where you graduated from a street rat to a street rat with a purpose."

Emerald: "I'm not a street rat!"

Aku: "Once born to live on the streets, always born to live on the streets."

Emerald scoffs when a horde of citizens start running to Emerald. She goes to withdraw her weapons only to find herself unarmed. She covers herself and when the mob gets close to her they burst into smoke. Emerald opens her eyes and the scene has already changed to the Vale hideout.

Emerald: "Hello?"

Cinder: *in distance* "Filthy rat."

Emerald: "Cinder?"

Mercury: *in distance* "No good thief."

Emerald: "Merc?"

Roman: *in distance* "Mud trudging pick pocket."

Emerald: "Where are you guys!? Show yourselves!"

There's only silence until Aku's voice is heard.

Aku: "Don't you get it? There's no one there. There was never anyone there. You were always alone."

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now