Third Class

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Oobleck: "Prior to the famously known Faunus War man was quite insistent on centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie. Now I know this must feel like news from years past but it's really important to know that this is all still relevant. The repercussions of which are still felt even to this day. On another note, how many of you have been looked down because of you Faunus heritage?"

I see many raise their hand with Charlotte raising her hand.

Oobleck: "That's just dreadful. Remember, it's this kind of ignorance that leads to violence. Just take the White Fang for example; now who can tell what is believed to have been the defining moment in the Faunus War?"

Weiss: "The battle at Fort Mercer ."

Oobleck: "Correct and who can tell the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune?"

Jaune: *holds head* "Hey."

Oobleck: "Thank you for your contribution Mr. Arc, what is the answer?"

Jaune: "Uh... I don't know?"

Oobleck: "Cardin, do you have the answer?"

Cardin: "Animals are easier to train."

I grit my teeth, get out of my seat and punch Cardin out of his seat.

Cardin: "What the hell!?"

Y/N: "You're really starting to piss me off."

Oobleck: "Y/N! Fighting is not allowed, see me after class."

Jaune: "That's not fair!"

Oobleck: "Do you have a problem? You may join him. As for you Cardin, I want you to join these two gentlemen."

I growl before having the bell ring. Everyone leaves the class except me, Jaune and Cardin. Oobleck talks to those two while I just watch; soon they exit the room leaving me alone.

Oobleck: "Why did you strike Mr. Winchester?"

Y/N: "Are you seriously asking that?"

Oobleck: "Just answer the question."

Y/N: "Because he's a complete asshole! He harasses the Faunus and he's making Jaune's time here a living hell! He needs to be expelled!"

Oobleck: *sigh* "Why haven't you told anyone about this?"

Y/N: "Because it's much more efficient if I just beat the shit outta him."

Oobleck: "You can't always solve problems with violence."

Y/N: "Why not? You're the history teacher, you know better than anyone that violence always ends things."

I get out of my seat and head out of the classroom where I spot Ozpin waiting for me.

Y/N: "What? You here to try and tell me that I shouldn't have struck Cardin too?"

Ozpin: "No, in fact I came to thank you."

Y/N: "Thank me, for what?"

Ozpin: "Because up until now I had no proof that Mr. Winchester was acting this way. There aren't any cameras and no one has come forward about his behavior. But you, you stood up to him and made it known that you disapproved of his behavior. It's your acting when no one else will is what being a Huntsmen is all about, sticking up for people and doing what's right. That's why I believe I made the right choice by accepting you to my school."

Y/N: "Wow, that was almost touching. You say that to every student?"

Ozpin: *half smile* "Not every, just the ones that show the most promise."

Y/N: "So what's going to happen to Cardin?"

Ozpin: "Should he make another non Huntsmen material decision then I'll be left with nothing to do but to expel him."

Y/N: "You know what? You're kinda alright Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Thank you my boy."

I turn around and head back to my dorm where I find Charlotte sitting on my bed. She spots me, runs and hugs me.

Charlotte: "Are you okay? Do you have to leave?"

Y/N: "No. I get to stay."

Charlotte: "Good, because I don't want you to leave."

Luna: "So what happened?"

Y/N: "I just got told off and let go. I also had a talk with Oz."

Luna: "What'd he say?"

Y/N: "Nothing too important, just that if Cardin messes up again then he'll be expelled."

Luna: "I don't wanna sound mean but I hope he does."

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now