The Remains Of Kuroyuri

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My eyes open to a bright sun but the first thing I hear is Qrow coughing. I look under his bandages to see his wounds leaking a strange liquid. I sigh and make him a stretcher; then with Jaune's help we carry him with us. 

Ruby: "How much more we got?"

Ren: "No idea, but I feel we're getting close to something."

He stops and runs to a sign.

Ruby: "Anything?"

Ren: "Our path will make us go through the mountains."

Y/N: "We won't make that if we're carrying Qrow."

Ruby: *runs and points* "What about Kuroyuri? Could we not get help there?"

Ren: "There's nothing left of that place."

Ruby: "But there would've been a doctor right? Maybe they left behind some medicine."

Ren: "There's no point, we just have to move on."

Nora: "We can split up. Ren and I can take the mountains while you guys head into Kuroyuri and see what you can find."

Jaune and Ruby hesitate before agreeing to the plan. We head into Kuroyuri where Jaune and Ruby search for medicine and I watch over Qrow.

Aku: *appears* "This place has definitely seen better days."

Y/N: "Do you care about anything?"

Aku: "Hey I'm just like any other person, the only thing that concerns me is my survival."

Y/N: "You're so self absorbed."

Aku: "Well excuse me for looking after myself."

Suddenly the others join me and I see Ren become paralyzed with fear. I match his line of sight to see a Nuckelavee. It stops just in front of us and whinnies before running at us. I withdraw my sword and cut along its side. It neighs and back kicks me into the dirt. I pick myself up slash the Nuckelavee's side cutting it open.

The rider grabs my waist and slings me into Jaune. I look up to see Ren hopping onto a tree branch and firing at the Nuckelavee. It pins him to the side of a building with one hand and tries to squash him with its other. 

Nora jumps and uses her hammer to absorb the attack. She's pulled off the side of the building and slammed onto the ground. Ren fires into the Nuckelavee's wrist freeing himself and runs at it. It grabs his ankle and throws him next to Nora. I run forward and cut the Nuckelavee's back left leg. It tries to kick my when Ruby fires her scythe. The Nuckelavee roars and goes to grab her. She bursts into rose petals and escapes the Nuckelavee then joins us.

Ruby: "Jaune, I need your help taking out the arms."

Nora: "Y/N and I can take out the horse."

Ren: "Then I'll take the rest."

We break with Ruby having the right hand chase after her. She bursts into rose petals and reappears spinning her scythe. She slams the tip into the hand keeping it down. Jaune hollers at the Nuckelavee which makes it send its left hand at him. Ren uses Jaune's shield to smother the wrist while Jaune uses his sword to pin the hand down. 

I cup my hands which Nora puts her boot on. I throw her upwards as she fires her hammer launching herself further up. At peak altitude she fires her hammer and comes down slamming her hammer on the horse's head. The body crashes to the ground as the rider screeches in pain and tries to escape.

Ren withdraws a dagger and uses it to cut off the rider's arms. It roars and screeches when Ren shuts it up by severing its head. The Nuckelavee's body crumbles and bursts into smoke that rises into the air. A couple of seconds later Mistral airships arrive and load us up. I hang my feet out the open side door when Aku appears next to me.

Aku: "That fight was messy."

Y/N: "We had it."

Aku: "That's not what I saw. You needed my help."

Y/N: "I'll never need your help."

Aku: "Listen kid, we're stuck together, so we might as well get along."

Y/N: "I see no reason to."

Aku: "We can't keep bickering like children forever."

Y/N: "Until you change your ways and become nicer, then yes, we will."

Aku: "You're unbearably stubborn."

Y/N: "Get used to it."

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