Second Class And Lunch

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Some weeks later I watch Jaune fighting Cardin and losing badly. Jaune tries to swing his sword downwards but Cardin dodges and swats Jaune away with his mace. Jaune lands on his side and gets robbed of his shield. He picks himself up and runs back at Cardin. He once again brings his sword down but has it blocked by Cardin.

Cardin: "This is where you lose."

Jaune: "Not on-"

Cardin slams his knee into Jaune's stomach knocking him to the ground. Cardin brings his mace overhead when the lights come on and Glynda walks up to them.

Glynda: "That's enough Cardin. Mr. Arc's Aura is now in the red which would mean that in a tournament he can no longer fight and that the winner would be called."

She turns her gaze from us to Jaune.

Glynda: "It's been weeks now Mr. Arc and you haven't shown any signs of improving. Please try to gauge your Aura level while in combat. Doing that keeps you from being eaten, and we wouldn't want that would we?"

Cardin: "Some of us would."

I glare at Cardin before raising my hand.

Glynda: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I wish to fight Cardin."

Glynda: "Then step into the arena."

Charlotte gets out of my lap and sits down in Ruby's. Meanwhile I hop onto the arena to fight Cardin.

Glynda: "Where's your weapon?"

Y/N: "I'll only need my fists for this."

Glynda: "Fine, begin!"

3rd POV

The lights go down and Y/N rushes at Cardin. He brings down his mace but Y/N dodges and grabs ahold of it. He activates his semblance and decks Cardin in his nose breaking it. Y/N grabs his jaw and tosses Cardin to the center of the arena with his mace landing away from him. He scrambles for his mace and fires at Y/N.

Y/N dodges the blasts when he catches one and sends it right back at Cardin. Cardin gets flung back when Y/N jumps and slams his feet into Cardin's chest plate denting it. Y/N then just punches Cardin in his face with each hit draining his Aura quicker and quicker. Eventually Cardin's Aura gives out and shatters; this makes a buzzer go off, the lights to come back on and Y/N deactivate his semblance.


I return to my senses and see that my match is already over. I scoff and head back to my seat when we're released to lunch. I carry mine and Charlotte's plates and sit us down with the others.

Y/N: "So how're you guys liking Beacon so far?"

Ruby: "It's amazing. I never knew that school would be this fun."

Luna: "I admit I'm having an amazing time."

Y/N: "What about you Charlotte?"

Charlotte: *mouthful* "Uh luk ut."

We laugh at her when she excuses herself. 

Luna: "What about you Y/N? How're you liking Beacon?"

Y/N: "I'm honestly having the best time of my life. I got to make some friends and even have my eyes on someone."

Yang: *smug* "Oh really? Who's this mysterious girl?"

Y/N: "Sorry, but you won't get me to spill those beans that easily."

Ren: "Well I hope that you two get together."

Y/N: "Thanks Ren."

Voice: "Hey!"

We look and I damn near blow my top seeing Cardin dangling Charlotte in the air back the back of her dress. I go to get up but see Luna getting up and walking to him.

Luna: "Put her down please."

Cardin: "Why would anyone ever care about an animal such as this runt?"

Luna: "You are going to set her down and walk away while you still can."

Cardin: "Make me woman!"

Luna brings her boot back and kicks Cardin in his beanbag. He squeals in pain and drops Charlotte but she's caught by Luna. Luna then looks at Cardin and makes a beam of light shine down on his nether regions. He screams like a banshee as I just laugh at his pain. 

Luna: "You are to never lay a hand on my daughter again or I'll make sure it's burned off." *sets Charlotte down* "You okay?"

Charlotte: "I'm fine." *hugs Luna* "Thank you mom."

Luna: *smiles* "You're welcome."

They walk back to us and sit back down when Charlotte speaks to us.

Charlotte: "Wait, if you're my mom and Y/N's my dad, then does that mean you too like each other?"

Luna and I both look at each other and blush while looking away and rubbing the back of our heads.

Y/N: "No."

Luna: "We're both just taking care of you."

RWBYJNPR: *thinking* "They're so in love."

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now