First Class

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The sun shines onto my face bringing me out of sleep and into reality. I let out a long yawn and go to get up but feel something latched onto my side. I peek under the covers and see Charlotte clinging to my side. Her cat ears twitch and she wakes up.

Charlotte: *yawns* "Good morning."

Y/N: "Good morning, why are you in my bed?"

Charlotte: "I wanted to make sure you weren't going to leave me."

Y/N: *pats head and smiles* "I'm never gonna leave you."

She smiles and gets out of my bed as Luna wakes up. We all get dressed when I notice Charlotte's ragged clothing.

Y/N: "Is that all the clothing you own?"

Charlotte: "Yes. Why?"

Y/N: "We can't have you always wearing rags."

Luna: "I might have something for her to wear."

Luna walks into the closet and pulls out a dress.

She hands it to Charlotte who goes into the bathroom to change

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She hands it to Charlotte who goes into the bathroom to change. After a minute or two she comes back.

Charlotte: "How do I look?"

Y/N: "Much better."

Luna: "You can keep it. I don't wear it anymore ."

Charlotte: "Thank you mom."

I laugh at her when she punches my shoulder and pouts. We head to our first class which is on Grimm. We sit down with Luna on my right, Ruby on my left and Charlotte on my lap drawing.

Port: "Demons, monster, yes the Grimm have many names but to me they'll always be prey."

He laughs to himself but stops hearing nothing but silence from us.

Port: "You too shall refer to them as such after you graduate. Vale, along with the other three kingdoms, are areas in which we can feel in this world. A world which is filled with creatures loving nothing more then to end your life. But have no fear, for that's what we're hear for, Huntsmen and Huntresses."

He winks at Yang while she rolls her eyes dismissively.

Port: "These are individuals who have sworn to protect those who can't protect themselves. That is your goal here but before we get into all that I have a story. When I was but a small child..."

He goes on a rant which I ignore when Charlotte tugs on my shirt.

Y/N: "What is it?"

Charlotte: *shows drawing* "I made this for you."

I grab the picture and look to see two stick figures holding hands with a third smaller stick figure.

Y/N: "It's pretty, but who are they?"

Charlotte: *points* "This is you, this is Luna and this is me. I drew us as a family. Do you like it?"

Y/N: "I love it, I'll hang it up after class."

Port: "Who among you believe themselves to be the embodiment of these trait?"

Weiss: "I do!"

Port: "Then come down and prove it."

She leaves and comes back with her rapier. She brings it back as Port cuts open the cage and a Borbatusk comes blindly charging out. It heads straight for Weiss but she spins to the side and cuts its side. The two run at each and collide getting Weiss' rapier stuck. They try to yank it free when Ruby cheers.

Ruby: "You got this Weiss!"

Weiss glares at Ruby allowing the Borbatusk to win the tug of war and toss her rapier away. It then throws its head upwards which sends Weiss away and onto her stomach. She looks up and narrowly rolls out of the way of the Borbatusk. She runs to her rapier and rearms herself when Ruby yells.

Ruby: "It's belly! Go for it's belly! There's-"

Weiss: "Shut up!"

She shrinks back while I give Weiss a death glare. The Borbatusk tucks itself into a ball and rolls to Weiss. She however creates a glyph which the Borbatusk crashes into and gets thrown onto its back. Weiss finally backflips onto another glyph and propels herself to the Borbatusk. She ends the fight by stabbing the Borbatusk's soft belly.

Port: "Bravo. We're indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Remember to go over the assigned readings and to always stay alert. Class dismissed."

We exit his class and head back to the dorms. While Luna and Charlotte get ready for bed I hang up Charlotte's drawing and smile seeing her so happy.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now