Over You

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We return to the real world and I look at Ozpin. I tightly clench my fists and grit my teeth.

Charlotte: "Dad?"

Ruby: "You okay Y/N?"

Y/N: "You son of bitch!!!"

I tackle Ozpin to the ground and begin choking him.

Y/N: "You motherfucker!!!! It's all your fault!!!! It's your fault she's gone!!!"

Ruby and Yang grab my arms and hold them back.

Ruby: "You need to calm down!"

I grab the two sisters and toss them away from me. I then just punch Ozpin's face repeatedly.

Y/N: "If you hadn't tried to take me away Luna wouldn't be working for her!! She'd be here with me and Charlotte!!! You say you're trying to save humanity but you're not!! You're just using us as cannon fodder just so you can save your own damn soul!!"

I reel back my fist and punch Ozpin knocking out a tooth. I lower my fists and just stare at him.

Y/N: "I could live with all your lies. But the thing that hurts is the fact that you knew everything yet you acted like didn't. You chose to keep quiet just so it wouldn't inconvenience you. You were supposed to be my father and help me when I got hurt. But you didn't, you just watched. Now I'm left to raise my daughter without Luna. I put all my trust into you and you've let me down. So I'm done, done with being part of your meaningless cause and done with you. You're not my father, and you never will be."

I get off Ozpin and walk over to Charlotte to see her looking down and crying. I wrap my arms around and she just cries. I pick her up as she clings to me and buries her face in the crook of my neck. I grab the lamp and clip it to my hip before talking to my ex father.

Y/N: "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking the lamp and getting it to Atlas. Hopefully by then you'll see just how much damage you've caused me and my family."

Charlotte begins sobbing but I rub her back and comfort her.

Y/N: "Shh, it's okay. Daddy's here."

I sling my duffle bag over my shoulder and begin walking down a random trail. Along the way I'm joined by the others and we walk in silence. Eventually they decide to break it.

Qrow: "This snow doesn't look like it's gonna let up anytime soon."

Ruby: "I wonder how far it is until Atlas."

Weiss: "I just hope we don't have to walk the entire way."

Ozpin: "I-if I may-"

Y/N: "No you may not."

Ozpin: "Y/N-"

Y/N: "Stop. Before you even start just don't. I'm really not in the mood to hear you try and worm your way out with an apology. Matter of fact, I don't hear a single word from you until we're safe in Atlas."

Charlotte: "Dad, I'm cold."

I wrap my side cape around her but she still shakes.

Y/N: "We need to get you outa the cold."

Oscar: "Y/N, he's gone."

Y/N: "Good, maybe now he'll think about his actions."

Yang: "It's getting close to nightfall, we should-"

Y/N: "Shh."

Yang: "What good would shushing-"

Y/N: "Yang."

I motion for her to tone it down and the others finally hear that squeaking noise. We walk to it to find that it's a gate. We walk past it and enter a small farm; I open the door and lay Charlotte on the couch while blanketing her with my side cape. I then begin making us a fire when Aku appears behind me. 

Y/N: "What the hell you want?"

Aku: "Look kid, I-"

Y/N: "No. I told Ozpin this and this goes for you too. I don't wanna hear a peep out of you until we reach Atlas."

Aku: "I get you're mad at me but-"

Y/N: "But nothing, you knew everything yet like Ozpin you didn't tell me. I think it'll be best that we don't talk."

Aku: "What's that mean?"

Y/N: "Goodbye Aku."

I turn around and walk through Aku making his disappear. I walk to a now sleeping Charlotte when I see Weiss walking in shaking in fear. She sits down by the fire as the others join us. As we watch the wood burn we hear the door open making us look to see Qrow come into the room shaking the snow off of him.

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