You're Just A Rat

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3rd POV

Aku: *voice over* "You were always alone."

Emerald: "No! You're wrong! I'm not alone! I have Cinder! She cares about me!"

Aku: "No she doesn't. To her you're nothing but a pawn. Meant only to serve as cannon fonder. She'll abandon you the second things go sideways."

Emerald: "She'd never do that!"

Aku: "Then why is she leaving you as we speak."

Emerald: "Huh?"

A mirror appears and Emerald looks through it to see an unknowingly fake video of Cinder talking to Mercury.

Cinder: "The relic's lost, we need to leave!"

Mercury: "But what about Emerald?"

Cinder: "Leave her, She can be replaced. You all can be replaced."

The mirror disappears and Emerald is filled with sadness and betrayal.

Emerald: "She's leaving me. I'm nothing but a pawn that's easily disposable."

Aku: "Friends and family can never be trusted. They claim to love you, but when you least expect it, they'll cast you aside and leave you to rot."

The single spot light reappears as Emerald lets out a tear. Then her body locks up as she hears the heels click of a certain witch. She shakily turns around to see Salem making her way to her with a furious scowl adorning her face.

Salem: "You stinking rat. You have cost me the relic of knowledge."

Emerald: "No! It wasn't me!!!"

Salem: "You were supposed to grab it yet you've failed. You have made me very angry."

Emerald: "No, Please! Have mercy!"

Salem: "Why should a rat deserve mercy?"

Salem makes a massive fireball in her hand and reels it back. She then tosses it at Emerald who screams in utter terror at the top of her lungs. That's when she returns to the real world and clutches her head as she continues to scream and her hair loses a few shades of green.

Mercury: "Emerald!!!"

He runs to her when she looks at him and becomes furious.

Emerald: "You fucking cyborg! You were gonna leave me!!!!!"

Mercury: "What are you even talking about!?"


I relax and laugh at the damage I've caused Emerald. The elevator dings making us look to see Yang has secured the relic. I stare at the baddies to see Emerald is still having a full blown mental breakdown. A giant man slings her over his shoulder and uses a flashbang to escape the area. 


I return to normal and see that the fight is already over. I recall seeing Luan and look around only to not find her. I sigh sadly before returning to Charlotte and scooping her up.

Charlotte: "What was wrong with mom?"

Y/N: "I don't know, but I hope she gets better."

3rd POV

The baddies return to Salem's castle and find her sitting on her throne looking out her window.

Salem: "Did you retrieve the relic?"

Emerald: "N-no. Please forgive us."

Salem's eye twitches but she just calmly inhales.

Salem: "And why is it you didn't get the relic?"

Mercury: "We were stopped."

Emerald: "I went after one of the heroes but..."

Salem: "But what?"

Emerald: "Whatever he is... he's not human. There were two people in his head."

Salem: "And why is that a problem?"

Emerald: "Because this person had me at their mercy."

Salem gets off her throne and menacingly walks to Emerald. Salem stares at Emerald for a second before lifting her into the air by her throat.

Salem: "You should not fear being at the mercy of this person. You should fear being at my mercy."

Emerald: "I'm... sorry."

Salem: "Luna, did you happen to see this person who gave Emerald a hard time?"

Luna: "He's the person the old me loved, Y/N L/N."

Salem doesn't move for a second then sets Emerald down. Salem then walks back to her throne and sits down while returning her gaze back out the window.

Salem: "I have a new mission for you Luna. I want you to find Y/N L/N and bring him back to me at all costs."

Luna: "Certainly, but why?"

Salem: "Don't question it. Just do as your told."

Luna: *bows* "Yes queen Salem."

Salem: "Good, the rest of you are dismissed."

The lackeys leave the room when Salem sighs and speaks to herself.

Salem: "After all this time, you're actually alive."

Salem's mind wonders into her memories. She reminisces on her past when a tear escapes her eye. 

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