Initiation And Teams

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I fly through the air when I withdraw my sword and slam it into a tree. I spiral down it before landing safely on the forest floor. I holster my sword and run north. About ten minutes into my run I hear crying. I follow it and am lead to an opening. I look forward and see a little girl faced away from me crying. I walk to her and get a good look at her.

 I walk to her and get a good look at her

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Y/N: "Why're you crying?"

Girl: "I was walking around the forest looking for some food. But I encountered the Grimm and got chased. I went too far and can't remember the way back to my home."

Y/N: "Wait, do you live is this forest?"

Girl: "Yes, I lived with my mother but she got taken out by the Grimm."

Y/N: "What's your name little one?"

Charlotte: "C-Charlotte."

Y/N: "My name's Y/N. How long have you been in this forest?"

Charlotte: "Since I was born, I'm three now."

Y/N: "Well we can't have you living in the forest, and alone at that. So how would you feel about coming back with me?"

Charlotte: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "I'm currently taking a test. But once it's over I'll be attending a place called Beacon."

Charlotte: "May I come with you to Beacon?"

Y/N: "Of course."

Charlotte smiles then gets off the rock she was sitting on.

Y/N: "Let's get going."

Charlotte: "Can I hold your hand so I don't get lost?"

Y/N: "Okay."

She grabs my hand and I walk us through the forest. As we walk I look at Charlotte and see that her feet are dirty and likely cut up.

Y/N: "Does it hurt walking barefoot?"

Charlotte: "A little."

I squat down and look over my shoulder.

Y/N: "Hop on."

She climbs onto my back as I stand back up and continue on our walk. Eventually we hit some ruins and see Ruby, Yang and some others fighting two giant Grimm. 

Y/N: "Think you can wait here while I help them?"

Charlotte: "Yes."

I set her down, withdraw my sword and run towards the Deathstalker. I jump onto its back and cut it open. It screeches before trying to sting me; I roll to the side, get off the Deathstalker and cut deep into its side. 

It roars in pain while I run around it and slice off its tail. I holster my sword and pick up its severed tail. I rip off its stinger and run back at the Deathstalker. I finally jump and embed the stinger tip into its head. A girl in pink comes in and slams her hammer onto the stinger tip driving it further into the Deathstalker's head.

The Deathstalker slams onto the ground and cracks the bridge. The bridge gives way and makes the Deathstalker fall into the chasm below us. I get to my feet and look up to see Ruby dragging a Nevermore up the side of a cliff. When she reaches the top she swings her scythe and beheads the Nevermore. With that taken care of I pick Charlotte back up and carry us back to the auditorium.

Ozpin: "From this day onward you four shall be known as team RWBY with Ruby as team leader."

I clap for them when I'm let onto the stage and am joined by Luna.

Ozpin: "Luna Elaine and Y/N L/N. You two have collected the black knight pieces. From this day onward you two will be known as team T/N with Y/N as team leader."

We all disband and retire to the dorms. I walk Charlotte inside and she flops onto a bed while Luna heads into the bathroom. I walk to Charlotte and begin tucking her in.

Charlotte: "Are you sure I can stay here with you?"

Y/N: "Of course."

Charlotte: "You're really nice Y/N. I'm glad I met you today."

Y/N: "Me too Charlotte."

Charlotte: "Good night dad."

She flips onto her side while I remain stunned by her calling me dad.

Y/N: "Good night?"'

I stand up and turn around to see Luna smiling at us.

Y/N: "What?"

Luna: *gets in bed* "Nothing, dad."

I groan slightly while she just laughs and turns off the lamp coating the room in darkness.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now