Dust Mining

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Clover: "Since the mine's closure, the Grimm have moved in. The good news is all that untouched Dust is still down there too. Science teams says that they'll need it for the first phase of their launch. Atlas military Huntsmen are already hard at work clearing out the surrounding tundra. But recon has identified a powerful Geist that's managed to evade destruction and take several lives. After we increased our numbers, the Geist was smart enough to retreat into the mine itself, meaning its old and extremely dangerous. The mine was a labyrinth back in its day. There's all sorts of tunnels and chambers the Geist can move between, so if we're gonna kill this thing, we'll have to split up and corner it. Let's make this happen people."

I open the side door and am the first to jump out. I free fall until I slam my sword into the side of a building and ride it down. I holster my sword and look up to see Luna firing beams of light from her feet allowing her to land safely on the ground.

Y/N: "Didn't know you could do that."

Luna: "I learned a lot of things." *smiles* "I can teach you some if you'd like~"

I smile goofily and rub the back of my head when someone clears their throat.

Harriet: "If you two lovebirds are done, we still have a mission to do."

Y/N: "Buzz kill."

We walk into the mine when Harriet speaks into her earpiece.

Harriet: "Bravo here, we're at a blockage. Not sure if the cave in is part of the original explosion but we'll find a way around it."

Clover: *on earpiece* "Rodger, keep me posted."

Luna: "You okay Blake?"

Blake: "I just realize where we are. This is where the explosion was."

Weiss: "I remember that day. I wish I could take away all those years of hate towards the Faunus and my idleness in it."

Marrow: "This society is made to have Faunus at the bottom. Humans benefit not helping us, but there's still those who abuse us. Anyway, Harriet found an opening in the rubble. It's dark so we need someone who can see well in the dark."

Blake: "Looks like I'm up."

Blake heads into the opening and we hear silence. That silence is quickly broken by gunfire. Luna burns a hole for us allowing us to get to Blake. We follow her down the shaft until we arrive at the heart of the mine.

Yang: "Where is it?"

Vine: "Everyone use caution. This room is highly active with Dust energy. Triggering it could ruin the launch site."

Marrow: "And vaporize us! How is that always second with you!?"

We hear rumbling making us look up to see a giant ice Geist falling from the roof. We prepare ourselves when the Ace-Ops run ahead of us. Elm activates her vine feet and holds the ice Geist's foot in place. Vine then swings over to the other side and pulls its right arm. Marrow throws a boomerang like weapon and cuts the ice Geist's arm off.

Harriet waves at the ice Geist which makes it try to crush her with its left arm. She however runs away as Elm brings down her hammer pining the arm to the floor. Marrow repeats what he did earlier and destroys the ice Geist's left arm. Clover finally steps in and slings his fishing rod.

He wraps the hook around the Geist's mask and yanks hard. The Geist is yanked free from the ice and Harriet uppercuts it killing it. Dust crystals fly everywhere but are caught except one. Ruby and Harriet rush for it but surprisingly Ruby manages to beat Harriet. We cheer before heading out of the mine and into Amity Colosseum.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now