You're Under Arrest

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Y/N: "Hello mother."

Salem's projection walks to me and hovers her hand near my cheek.

Salem: "My little boy, all grown up."

Ozpin: "He's not your little boy."

Salem: *angrily * "Ozma. Have you come to take our son away from me again?"

Ozpin: "I took him away because you were going to make him a slave to you!"

Salem: "I only wanted to help him! But you took him away and tried to extract the thing that was keeping him alive!"

Ozpin: "It would have been better than spending the rest of his life as a slave!"

Salem: "Classic you, always trying to decide what's best for our son."

They continue to argue when I can't take anymore of this.

Y/N: "Enough you two! Mom, if you had just let me die that day then none of this would have happened. Dad, if you hadn't tried to take me away then mom wouldn't be this deranged. I lost my family the day that laboratory was destroyed. But when I came to Beacon I gained a new one. This family loves me and I love them. I'm done listening to you two bickering so, from this day onward I'm sticking with my new family. The sooner you two accept that then the happier all of us will be."

I stare at my parents waiting for their reaction when Salem becomes furious and shouts at us.

Salem: "It's all your fault Ozma! If it weren't for you our son wouldn't hate us! Prepare yourselves Ironwood, because when I get to Atlas I'm bringing an army with me. And when we get there we're going to tear apart your kingdom until Y/N is by my side."

Salem bursts into smoke which lets out a shockwave that blows all of us back.

Y/N: "We're in so much trouble."

Ozpin: "We have to get out of here."

Ironwood: "You're not going anywhere. Salem's coming here and she's going to destroy my kingdom. That is unless she has Y/N."

Ruby: "What're you trying to say?"

Ironwood: "Y/N L/N, you and your friends are under arrest. You'll be taken into custody where you'll be held until we hand you over to Salem."

Charlotte: "No! You can't do that to my dad!"

Y/N: "You'll have to kill me in order to do that."

Ironwood: "Please don't be difficult, just do this for humanity's sake."

Y/N: "No."

I hear a loud noise and see a beam of light be fired at Ironwood and the Ace-Ops.

Luna: "Let's go, I won't be able to hold them much longer!"

I snatch up Charlotte and run us out of the academy. When we make it we're picked up by Maria and Pietro in an airship. We load up and fly away form Atlas to see a massive black Grimm filled cloud making it's way to Atlas. We fly for a while until we go back to Mantle. We land and head inside a place where we see JNR. They get out of their seats and hug me.

Nora: "We were so worried when we saw you become wanted."

Jaune: "What even happened?"

Y/N: "Salem's here looking for me. And our good friend Ironwood wanted to hand deliver me to her in hopes of sparing Atlas."

Nora: "That's just not right."

Y/N: "You're telling me."

Joanna: "Alright good to see all of you back together. But we're experiencing the largest Grimm horde in the history of Remnant. We have an entire city's worth of people without heat or protection; and while we're happy to hide you from Ironwood, we need your help."

Ren: "How are we going to do that? Ironwood's got the entire kingdom on lockdown."

Joanna: "The crater that's beneath Atlas. It may not be safe but it's warm. Plus with everyone in one location it'll make it far easier to keep them safe. With May's help you'll be where you're needed most. However we need those people in the crater by nightfall."

She takes her leave and exits the room.

Yang: "We need to go out and help Mantle."

Ruby: "What about Amity and telling everyone about Salem?"

Ren: "There's a bigger picture."

Yang: "Yeah, Amity ain't even finished."

Ruby: "Doctor, what would you need to get Amity up and running?"

Pietro: "Not too many things. Just get access from Ironwood's terminal."

Yang: "Fat chance on him giving us access."

Pietro: "Actually... there's a second terminal. One in the main Atlesian Military Compound in the base of the city."

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