The Village Of Oniyuri

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Nora: "A new day full of new adventures."

Ruby: "What're we doing today?"

Jaune: "Walking."

Nora: "And?"

Ren: "More walking."

Ruby: "Man Haven is a lot farther than I thought it was."

Ren: "How far did you think it was?"

Ruby: "A two week hike?"

Jaune: "What!?"

Ruby: "Okay three, that's beside the point." *looks and points* "What's that?"

We look forward to see some rooftops.

Jaune: "Strange, we're not supposed to hit another village for at least a couple of days."

Y/N: "We should check it out."

We enter the village and find that some of the buildings are still being built. We look around for anything when Nora calls us over.

Nora: *looks at sign* "I've never heard of Oniyuri."

Ren: "I have. It was to be Anima's Mt. Glenn had it been finished. In the past many rich Mistral citizens grew tired with how the kingdom was being run. So they worked together and funded this city. They believed that one day this city would become its very own kingdom with its own rules and laws."

Ruby: "What went wrong?"

Y/N: "What always does, Grimm."

Ren: "Yeah."

Jaune: "Let's just get going. This place creeps me out."

We begin walking out of the village when Ren stops us. He places his hand on his gun which makes us withdraw our weapons. We wait when Ren turns and uses his gun to catch two wrist mounted blades. The owner spin kicks Ren in his ribs and sends him into the dirt. I rush in and go for a downward slash. The attacker crosses his blades catching my sword and kicks my stomach.

When I slouch forward he slams his elbow onto my back sending me into the ground. I'm then kicked away and slam my back into a stone wall. I see feet appear and look to find Aku sitting on the stone wall. He points to the attacker while I just shake my head and run back at our attacker. He catches Jaune's sword and grabs his throat. I come in to cut the attacker when he uses Jaune's back to block me.

He then grabs my throat and slams me into Jaune before tossing us away. I get to my feet and see the attacker taking off his coat. He disappears and reappears behind Jaune; the attacker goes to strike which Jaune is able to block. But the force still knocks him into the dirt. I withdraw my gun and fire at our attacker. He runs right dodging my bullets when he fires his own bullets at me. I roll dodging them only to get a boot to my jaw. I roll backwards and land on my back. Aku looks at me disappointingly and squats down next to me.

Aku: "You're not doing good. You're severely outmatched, allow me to take over."

Y/N: "No, you stay out of this."

Aku: "You're gonna die without my help."

Y/N: *stands* "I'll live."

Jaune: "Ruby!!!"

I look and see the attacker holding his wrist blades to her throat.

Aku: "You're being really stubborn right now. If you don't give me control then she'll die, just like poor Luna."

I grit my teeth and think of what to do.

Y/N: "Fine, but once it's done I expect to be in control again."

Aku: "You will, maybe."

I angerly groan at him before relinquishing control over to him.


I slide into the driver's seat and smile at being in control. I look at the creep holding Ruby and activate my power. I hold out my hand and launch a miniature Nevermore feather at him. It pierces his shoulder and he lets go of Ruby while screaming and holding his shoulder.

Creep: "You'll pay for that!"

He rushes at me and brings down his wrist blades. I use my sword to block them and smile. I holster my gun and punch the man in his ribs with some of them breaking and cracking. He lets out a wheezy cough when I grab the front of his clothes and slam him onto the ground. I kick him away and watch him crash through a stone wall.

I walk to him then kick him up to my height. I then grab his tail and spin him around. I let go and send him through a building. He springs out of it and clashes us into a stalemate. He struggles to win when I just backhand him into the dirt. He picks himself up as a second man arrives.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now