Yin And Yang

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Y/N: "I'm not going with you. My place is here."

Salem: "Silly child, you're place is by your mother's side."

Y/N: "I'm not going with you and that's final."

Salem: "Then so be it."

Salem runs at me and uppercuts my ribs lifting me off the ground. I withdraw my gun and fire point blank at her face. She gets annoyed and punches me into the ground.

Yang: "Y/N!"

They go to help me but mom snaps her fingers and they fall to the ground.

Jaune: "I can't move!"

Salem: "You children are going to stay out of this. This is between a mother and her son."

I angrily sigh and run at Salem. I bring my sword down on her but she holds it in place and grabs the side of my face. She then emits a blast of fire and launches me away. I use my feet to stop myself and open fire at her. She waves her hand and the bullets fly way to the right away from her. I groan in annoyance before holstering my gun and just using my sword. 

She goes for a right hook but I knee slide under it and flip to my feet. My blade connects with her right side making her growl. She then reels her arm back, slams her hand through my side and grabs ahold of my bottom ribs. I'm slung over her shoulder and slammed onto the ground. I groan in pain when she slams her heel onto my chest puncturing my skin.

Salem: "For eighteen years I've missed you. Once I found out you were alive I was filled with hope. Hope that we'd be a family again. But it seems your father has once again pulled you away from me. I think this time I'll fully merge you with Grimm that way you'll be my son forever."

Aku: *appears* "Kid, I have a plan!"

Y/N: *in head* "Well don't keep me in suspense!"

Aku: "Join me and together we can beat her!"

Y/N: "Is that really your fucking plan!? Solve this with the power of friendship!?"

Aku: "Put simply, yes! If we can work together then we'll be able to beat her and save this world!"

Y/N: "Then let's do it."

3rd POV

A brilliant shine emits from Y/N as Salem is blown backwards. Y/N gets back onto his feet as his appearance begins to change to a mix between Y/N and Aku. The new figure opens its eyes and speaks in a voice that is both Y/N's and Aku's at the same time.

Yakun: "My name is Yakun. I'm the embodiment of Y/N's light and Aku's darkness working in harmony. I'm here to banish the darkness that is known as Salem."

Salem: "What have you done with my son!? Die!"

Salem runs at Yakun who holds out his hand and has Salem fly into his hand. He then slams Salem onto the ground and pins her to the ground.

Yakun: "Your heart is shrouded by darkness. I shall use my power to give life to the light within your heart."

Yakun makes his body glow as Salem writhes in pain. The light transfers to Salem and causes the place to be engulfed in light. When the light fades Salem has been turned to stone.

Yang: *gets up* "Is it over?"

Yakun takes off his riding jacket and places it over the Salem statue. The statue then crack and crumbles until a naked human Salem takes its place. Yakun then picks her up bridal style as he returns to normal.

Y/N: "Now it's over."

There is a squawk making the heroes look up to see all of the Grimm overhead falling out of the sky and turning into dust.


And so our story ends. Salem was cured and allowed to live a normal life. Shortly after everything returned to normal and everyone went on with their lives. After a long talk and lots of property damage Yang and her mother made up and now get along. With some help from Yakun, Pyrrha and Summer were brought back to life. Summer went back to Patch where the Xiao Long and Rose family live happily together.

JNPR got with their partners and have become a very close knit family. As for Y/N, he officially married Luna and become Charlotte's father through law. They live in a big house in Vale where they patiently wait for Charlotte's baby brother or sister to be born. But the family that saw the most change was the one that kicked off this whole story.

After Salem became human again she apologized profusely for her previous behavior. She then made amends with Ozpin who remarried her happy to have his old wife back. Then after a long talk and a pep talk from both Charlotte and Luna Y/N finally forgave his parents and reinstated himself as their son. Now Salem and Ozpin spend all of their time being there for their son and of course spoiling their soon to be grandchildren.

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