Murder Party

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Y/N: "You sure you don't wanna come with us to the victory party?"

Luna: "I'm sure. Besides, I think it'll be good to have a little girl time."

Yang: "Don't worry Y/N, we'll make sure no man tries to put the moves on her."

Charlotte: *whispers* "What's that mean?"

Ruby: *whispers* "I think it has something to do with board games."

Y/N: *pats their heads* "You guys are too wholesome."

Nora: "Come on guys, if we don't leave then all the good spots will be taken."

Y/N: "Are there even good spots in a victory party?"

Nora: "Who cares. Let's go."

Y/N: "I swear she's like a child. Well we're off."

Charlotte grabs my hand and we make our way to the victory party. Once we arrive we see Robyn mid speech.

Robyn: "I was never any good at speaking in public, meaning it probably wasn't wise to go into politics. I just wanna say that I'm thankful you chose me as your voice. I know that on our own we're strong. But united we become unstoppable. So whether I win or lose tonight, I'll continue to fight for the citizens of Mantle."

TV: "We're in the homestretch now and it's looking like Robyn'll win the election."

The crowd begins counting down and when it gets to three the lights go out. The crowd screams and shuffles making me lose my grip on Charlotte.

Y/N: "Charlotte! Charlotte where are you!?"

Charlotte: "Dad!"

I look where it came from when I hear maniacal laughter. I become filled with fear when I hear the world go silent.


I take control and activate my Grimm vision. The darkness is replaced with a shade of grey allowing me to see in the dark. I look around until I see Tyrian heading for Charlotte. I dead sprint to her and hunker us down using my body to protect her. I then feel Tyrian's wrist blades dig and tear into my skin causing lacerations. I look over my shoulder and catch his left wrist blade. He displays shock before having it replaced with seething fury.

He brings back his other wrist blade but I kick him away. He flips to his feet and pushes off to me. He spins his blades when I turn my arms into Beowolf arms and catch his blades. He smiles insanely and I hear a metallic clink. He swings his leg and cuts my chest upwards. I look and notice he's activated a blade in his now robotic right leg.

He brings his leg back for another attack but I cut his stomach. He leans forward when I grab his shoulders and turn my head into an Alpha Beowolf's. I then bang my head on his until his skull cracks. I headbutt him again and send him away from me. He falls onto his back when I jump and land on him. He gasps when I grab his neck and begin strangling him. He tries to break free when I quickly twist my hands snapping his neck. I return to normal as the lights come back on. The crowd gasps as I get up and notice all the dead bodies.

Person: "Murder."

Charlotte: "No, you don't understand. He took down the murder."

Aku: "It's no use kid, they're not buying it."

Person2: "Get him!"

They charge at us when they freeze in place.

Marrow: "Go! Get out of here!"

I pick up Charlotte and run us away back to Atlas.


I regain control and find myself being patched up by Luna and Pietro looking over my vitals.

Pietro: "Good news is those wounds will heal nicely without any scarring."

Luna: *disappointedly* "Thank Oum."

Y/N: "You sound disappointed.

Luna: "I think you're losing your hearing."

I put on a shirt and walk over to Charlotte who's looking up at the news. I place my arm around her as the news goes over what just happened.

Lisa: "In other news, Robyn's victory party ends in body bags. Attendees say the killer was Huntsman Y/N L/N. Y/N was seen covered in blood and on top of a freshly killed person as the lights came on. However police theorize that the actual killer was none other than the body under Y/N, famous killer Tyrian Callows. Blood was found on his weapons but reports say that they're still trying to figure out if it's from Y/N, himself or the other casualties. Back to you Cyril."

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