The City Of Atlas

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Maria: "Hello old friend."

Man: "Have we met before?"

Maria: "You gave me these eye implants. Have to be fixed every decade or so."

Man: "Ah yes, Maria! Has it been a decade already?"

Maria: "I know, I'm aging phenomenally. Would've been here quicker but I hadn't ran into these clowns."

Y/N: "Watch it."

Luna: "And who might this be?"

Pietro: "You may call me Pietro. How may I help you?"

Yang: "We came here to talk with Ironwood but..."

Blake: "What's going on here?"

Pietro: "Ironwood saw some things at Beacon. What they were I can't tell you, but they really shook him up. He's..."

Qrow: "Terrified."

Pietro: "Try unreasonably distrustful. Someone took apart the Atlas security code and toyed with it. Whoever managed that is either smart or someone within our ranks. I fear it may be both, as does Ironwood."

Ren: "Perhaps it's not as safe here as we thought."

Charlotte: "We're not just going to leave are we?"

Weiss: "What's the council got to say? Or even Winter?"

Pietro: "The council is so scared that they'll agree to anything. However Mantle representatives are... hold on, you're Weiss Schnee."

Yang: "What was that about Mantle?"

Pietro: "Your arm, you painted it."

Ruby: "Is there something wrong?"

Pietro: "You're team RWBY."

Ruby: "You know us!?"

Pietro: "Yes I do, I just feel like a fool for not seeing it sooner. I've heard so many things about you from my daughter."

Ruby: "Your daughter?"

Out of the blue sirens start ringing making us head outside. We look down the street to see Sabyrs tearing apart Atlas robots. One looks our way and roars alerting the whole pack. I withdraw my weapons as some of the pack charges at me. I hold my sword out holding back one Sabyr while firing my gun taking out another Sabyr.

I wave my sword and cut the Sabyr I'm holding back in half. I pivot and duck under a Sabyr's paw then cleave off its head. I look right and see a Sabyr about to go for Charlotte. I run to her, grab the back of her clothes and lift her out of the way. I use my foot to hold back the Sabyr before aiming my gun. However The Sabyr bites down on my ankle making me scream in pain.

The Sabyr raises its claws when a beam of light is fired and takes out the Sabyr. I look at Luna and nod when I spot more Sabyrs making their way to us. I aim my gun when green lasers fire down from the sky taking out all of the Sabyrs. The person responsible for firing the lasers lands and we see our old friend.

Ruby: "Penny!"

Penny: *eyes sparkle* "Salutations!"

She tackles Ruby to the ground and slings her from side to side in a hug.

Penny: "It's wonderful to see you all again."

Ruby: "I thought you-"

Pietro: "Died, in a way yes. But we were able to salvage her core when it came to Atlas. After some time she was able to be rebuilt."

Penny: "Now I'm as good as new, better even."

Pietro: "Atta girl, we're not going to let a little being torn apart stop us are we?"

Penny: "No sir."

Luna: "This is..."

Ren: "Kinda sweet."

Yang: "Sounds just like Penny to me."

Penny: "There's so much to catch up on, I can't wait." *hears sirens* "We'll have to wait."

She takes off like a rocket and leaves the area.

Luna: "I did not see that coming."

Qrow: "It was unexpected but it was welcoming. I was honestly thinking things were gonna go worse."

As he says this we get taken to the ground and restrained. We are then taken off the ground by five people and loaded up into an airship. We arrive at Atlas academy and are led to a large open area where we see an older Weiss, Penny and Ironwood.

Penny: "You made it."

Weiss: "Winter."

Nora: *shows cuffs* "Ahem, a little assistance?"

Winter: "Release them from their cuffs or I'll resort to violence."

Our handcuffs are taken off and we're led to Ironwood's office.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now