The Headmaster Of Haven Academy

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Ruby: "Hello? Is there anyone here?"

Ren: "I don't think there is."

Jaune: "Maybe they're on break."

Qrow: "This doesn't feel right, follow me."

We speed walk to the headmaster's office where Qrow kicks open the door. We're shown a lion Faunus who falls to the ground along with Qrow.

Headmaster: "What on Remnant is wrong with you Qrow!?"

Qrow: "Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the gate?"

Headmaster: *checks time* "My apologies, time must've slipped by me. You must all be the students Qrow talked about."

Ruby: "Yes sir, I'm Ruby and they are Jaune, Nora, Ren and Y/N."

Lionheart: "Leonardo Lionheart at your service."

Ruby: "Where is everyone?"

Lionheart: "I'm afraid they're all out until classes start back up."

Qrow: "What!? Then who's guarding the relic!?"

Lionheart: "Qrow, the children..."

Qrow: "Already know, I went ahead and filled them in."

Lionheart: "Filled them in? Please come inside."

We're let inside his office where we begin talking.

Lionheart: "I have to say this is all so reckless, even for you."

Qrow: "No, reckless is leaving the relic unguarded and not checking in with Oz."

Lionheart: "There wasn't much to check in on since Beacon fell. Ever since then the Kingdom of Mistral has been nothing but chaos. Every person in every kingdom saw that girl get torn apart, Atlas robots attack citizens and then nothing. You could just feel the dread; as you know Mistral has the farthest reaching territory in all of Remnant. Which is why it's infinitely harder to keep it safe. We've lost a lot of good people, most from this very school; and it's only gonna get worse."

Ruby: "What's the suppose to mean?"

Lionheart: "The Grimm may have been taken care of but Atlas is still at odds with representatives from Mantle. I don't know what James saw at Beacon, but it really messed him up. Made some of his bad tendencies worse; and to make matters worse, we still have no idea where the Spring Maiden is."

Ruby: "We get it. Things are bad but we're going to figure this out. Why'd Spring run away?"

Lionheart: "Her responsibilities were too much for her to handle so she ran away. She left behind her training and everyone. But that was well over a decade ago. Now there's no telling where she is."

Qrow: "I may have an idea of where to look. It's just not a good idea."

He makes his scroll project a map of Remnant.

Qrow: "From what I could gather the Spring Maiden was picked up by the Branwen tribe."

He taps the map and a section of it is zoomed in on.

Qrow: "Around this area is where they set their main camp. That's where they go after each mission."

Lionheart: "I've got to hand it to you Qrow, with this we can put together a group to collect her in a few weeks."

Qrow: "A few weeks? Maybe you didn't hear me, we need to move now."

Lionheart: "Then maybe you didn't hear me, now doesn't mean now. It means as soon as I can show the council that I need Huntsmen more than they do. And unfortunately bandits isn't going to work when the thought of war is right around the corner."

Qrow: *sigh* "You know Oz wouldn't approve of this if he was here."

Lionheart: "Maybe, but I'm doing the very best I can."

Qrow: "Well can't say that our welcome was warm."

Lionheart: "I'm sorry, I'll try to do whatever I can to aid you."

Qrow: "Right, don't be afraid to call us."

We exit Lionheart's office and head back home. I lay down on the couch resting my eyes when I hear someone knock on the door. I look at the others to see Jaune answering the door.

Jaune: "Yes?"

Kid: "Is a Ruby Rose here?"

Nora: "Why?"

Kid: "Because."

Qrow: "I did it!"

Kid: "I fear her uncle may need help."

Ruby: *walks down stairs* "Come on guys! Can't I just read comic in peace!?"

Kid: "Your eyes... they're silver."

Ruby: "Who're you?"

Kid: "My name is Oscar Pine. But you might know me better as Ozpin."

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now