United After Separation

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Nora: "Did he get younger?"

Jaune: "He's been possessed."

Qrow: "Enough. Mind letting us have a chat with Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "It's nice to see you all again."

Ruby: "I thought you died."

Ozpin: "I did but I'm cursed. For centuries I've lived, died and reincarnated into another person. The Ozpin you last saw isn't my first form and clearly isn't my last. This process is extremely strenuous on those involved."

He looks into his mug and sighs.

Ozpin: "I've spent many lives trying to keep Remnant safe. I may change bodies but my memories always stay. This curse was bestowed upon me because of my inability to stop Salem in the past. But we must stop her now." 

Ren: "How?"

Ozpin: "We begin with making sure the relic of knowledge is in safe hands."

Nora: "This is wonderful. We were at a dead end, but now all we gotta do is show Lionheart old Oz here and we'll be set."

Qrow: "I'm not so sure that's wise anymore."

Ren: "But don't the headmasters take orders from you?"

Ozpin: "Yes, but Lionheart is disregarding simple orders I left behind for him. He's behaving more than just strangely. I don't wanna suggest anything but I also don't wanna leave out any possibilities. As far as we know only the people in this room know I'm with Oscar now. And I'd like to keep it that way."

Qrow: "Play close to the chest."

Ozpin: "Yes. Now all that remains is two more steps. The most important is gathering the help of other Huntsmen and Huntresses."

Ren: "But the council-"

Qrow: "Doesn't own all of the Huntsmen and Huntresses in the kingdom. I know where we can recruit some."

Ozpin: "Once that's done we may begin step two. Which is getting you lot into a much better fighting shape."

The next day I help set up the table when Aku appears leaning against the sliding door.

Aku: "All this food is unnecessary. I doubt there'll be that many people."

Y/N: *in head* "It's not good being pessimistic."

Aku: "I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic. So far our luck has been piss poor, so odds are something bad is about to happen."

Qrow: "Ruby, can you come here?"

Ruby: "Be right there."

She leaves and soon I hear something hitting the floor. I make my way there and become surprised seeing Yang and Weiss.

Charlotte: "Dad?"

I freeze and feel this warm feeling seeing my daughter. Tears run down her cheeks as she runs to me. I grab and lift her up as we hug

Y/N: "I've missed you so much."

Charlotte: "I thought I'd never get to see you again."

Y/N: "Well don't worry, I'm here now."

Charlotte: "Put me down, I wanna show you something."

Y/N: *sets her down* "What is it?"

Charlotte: "Yang got me a new dress, do you like it?"

I look over her appearance and finally notice her new clothes.

Y/N: "I love it."

Charlotte: "Hey, where's mom? Is she not with you?"

I clench my fist and think about how to tell her what I did. I kneel down to her level and take a deep breath.

Y/N: "Charlotte, there's something I need to tell you."

Charlotte: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Mom is gonna be away."

Charlotte: "Is she coming back?"

I hesitate and think of what to say.

Y/N: "I don't know."

Charlotte: "Well I hope she does because I miss her really bad."

Y/N: "Me too."

Aku: *stands by Charlotte* "You're only going to break her heart more."

Y/N: *in head* "I know, but right now she can't know."

We enter the kitchen and eat the large dinner spread. Once it's over we head to the living room where I don't pay attention to the conversation instead just thinking about Charlotte and Luna.

Yang: "If we're to work together, then there can't be anymore lies between us."

Ozpin: "I promise to no longer lie to you."

Jaune: "Great, so what now?"

Ozpin: "Get some rest because when school starts again, you'll need your strength."

Some time later we enter the academy. The others talk when this bird flies behind Lionheart and comes back out as a woman.

Woman: "You've been scheming little brother."

Qrow: "Hand us over the Spring Maiden and we can beat Salem together."

Woman: "You can't beat her!!!"

Ruby: "That's not true. We can do it, we just gotta do it together."

Woman: "You remind me of your mother."

The woman opens a portal with a fireball hitting Ruby. I run and check on her when I hear something that shakes me to my core.

Luna: "Hello friends."

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now