The Huntsman Mission

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Luna: *above* "Are you okay?"

Y/N: *groan* "Never better."

I get up and pop my back as I take in my surroundings. They are a cave with unlit torches lined along the wall and a very thick layer of dust everywhere.

Y/N: "This is an old cave, must have been here before the town was built."

Luna: "Do you see a way out?"

Y/N: "Not immediately, I'll look around and see if I can find one."

I turn on my scroll light and look around. I shine my light on one of the torches and investigate it. I look it over and see that it can still be lit. I withdraw my gun and fire next to the torch lighting it.

Luna: "What was that?"

Y/N: "I just used my gun to light a torch, nothing to worry about."

I equip only the torch and explore the cave. As I walk I look on the wall to see some weird designs. I continue when I come to a large open room. I walk to the center when I hear something under me click. Gears moving is heard when the torches around the room ignite bringing light to this room once more.

When the last torch ignites the center of the room opens with a light shining through. A pillar then rises out of the floor and at the top of that pillar is a purple crystal statue of a person praying. I walk to the statue and look it over when I remember something. I look around and quickly snatch the statue. I look around the room and become surprised not seeing a boulder falling out of the ceiling.

I laugh for being paranoid and begin walking away. However that's when the pillar goes down and the room rumbles. I look upwards and hear something big coming this way. I then feel a cold wind and hear a lot of water running. That's when a massive wave crashes through the wall and heads for me. I turn the other direction and run as fast as I can. I vault over some rubble and squeeze past a thin opening when I find a dead end. 

I look around but see not exits. I turn to see that water crash into the room and begin filling up the room. The water quickly raises me to the ceiling forcing me to take a deep breath. I swim to the wall, equip my sword and just hack at the wall. My breath starts to burn when by the grace of Oum a giant hole is burned into the wall. I slide out of the room and cough for air. I look up and see Luna sitting near me patting my back.

Luna: "We almost lost you."

Y/N: "I... never... wanna go swimming. Ever again."

Port: "What happened?"

I look at my hand and smile still seeing that statue. 

Y/N: "I found the sacred stone."

I get up and we head somewhere safe. I sit next to the fire place and try to warm myself back up. 

Luna: "Your clothes are in the dryer now."

Y/N: "You sure we can stay here?"

Port: "Of course. My brother said we can use his cabin for the duration of our mission."

Luna: "I never knew you had a brother."

Port: "I have three actually. This cabin belongs to my youngest brother Harbour."

Y/N: "Are your other brothers named after seaside places?"

Port: "It's a family thing. Well it's late, get to sleep so we can leave at first light."

He heads off while Luna and I head to one of the bedrooms. I lay down when Luna snuggles close to my chest.

Luna: "How do you think Charlotte's doing?"

I hmm and think about it.


Nora: "No surrender no retreat!!!!"

Charlotte: "On guard!!!"

*back to Y/N*

Y/N: "I'm sure she's doing fine. Come on, we should get to sleep."

I click off the lamp and quickly feel myself be taken off to dreamland.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now