A Family Once More

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Maria: "I hate to say this but if we're going to leave this is our best chance. Everyone's concentrated on the Leviathan."

Weiss: "We're not leaving, not like this."

Blake: "We're Huntresses, we protect people to the very end."

Ruby: "We're heading for the Leviathan. Jaune and Ren, can you be ready to mask the ship?"

Ren: "We'll manage."

Jaune: "Do you have an idea?"

Ruby: "Just one."

We get in closer to Atlas and see The Leviathan get stopped by a hard light barrier. It breathes out a stream of fire and takes out a shield beam taking it down.

Radio: "All squads pull away from the Leviathan and help evacuate civilians. I repeat, pull away from the Leviathan and help evacuate civilians."

Ruby: *runs to radio* "No wait, we can stop it."

Radio: "Identify yourself."

Ruby: "I'm a Huntress and my team and I are heading to the Leviathan to weaken it for you."

Jaune: "We are?"

Ruby: "I am."

Radio: "You're currently marked as hostile, you'll receive no help whatsoever."

Ruby: "We'll do it ourselves if we have to."

Ren masks our presence and we fly in closer to the Leviathan. As we close in it gets stopped by another shield barrier. Like the last one it brings it down by destroying a beam. We finally get closer to it and Ruby rides an ice Queen Lancer to in front of the Leviathan. She concentrates on using her eyes but something goes wrong and the Leviathan looks at her.

She screams when this very weird feeling hits me. Near instantly I see her eyes shine and the Leviathan turn to stone. Its head manages to break free and roars. A giant robot runs in and rams its drill hand into its chest killing it. After that Ruby returns to us and we fly towards Atlas. While we fly I sit down with Luna as Charlotte looks at Luna.

Charlotte: "Hi mom."

Luna: "Hi sweetie."

Charlotte: "Are you feeling better?"

Luna: "Yes."

Charlotte: "Are you finally here to stay?"

Luna: *scoops her up* "Yes, and I'm never leaving again."

Charlotte: *hugs her* "Good, because I don't want you to."

I laugh at them when I'm pulled into their hug.

Luna: "I'm not leaving either of you again."

I return her hug when we get called to the front of the airship by Qrow.

Ruby: "Is it bad that I'm nervous?"

Yang: "Not really. I'll only believe we've made it to Atlas when I see it."

Weiss: "Well believe it."

We look forward and see the floating kingdom of Atlas.

Maria: "You make all these trips to Atlas and you never get used to the view."

Ruby: "Hey Weiss, what's that?"

We look up and see military airships flying all around Atlas.

Weiss: "The entire Atlas air fleet. I was aware that our troops had been recalled but..."

Qrow: "They're set up for war."

Radio: "Manta 5-1, welcome back."

Ruby: "What exactly is going on here?"

Weiss: "I don't know. This is the most aggressive I've seen our troops be deployed. If we land in a stolen airship then talking with General Ironwood will be the last thing they'll let us do."

Blake: "So what do you suggest?"

Weiss: "Winter. Maria, put as much distance between us and the air fleet as you can."

Maria: "You ain't gotta tell me twice."

She flies us away form Atlas and we cruise over Mantle.

Yang: "I've never seen Mantle this low before."

Qrow: "What've you been doing James?"

Weiss: "None of this feels right."

Radio: "We've noticed your detour, please continue on your path to docking bay omega twelve."

Maria: "We're up against the clock here kids."

Yang: "Let's ditch the ship."

Qrow: "Agreed, hopefully we can get lost in Mantle and find out what's going on."

Weiss: "I'm telling you, my sister can get us to Ironwood. All we gotta do is-"

Qrow: "I don't think that's wise anymore."

Weiss: "But-"

Maria: "Enough. I know of someone who can help us with both of our problems."

Radio: "Manta 5-1, please continue-"

Maria: *shuts radio off* "Take a hint lady."

Maria flies us into Mantle where we dock and exit the airship. We then make our way down the street until we arrive at a pharmacy of all places.

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