After Dance Mission

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I look at my mirror and straighten my tie. I smooth out my jacket and nod at my reflection. I look at Charlotte and she smiles. I turn and see Luna wearing an elegant light blue dress with her hair curled. We all exit the dorm and head off to the dance. Upon entering I escort Charlotte onto the dancefloor. Charlotte steps onto my feet and I dance for us.

Y/N: "Are you having a good time?"

Charlotte: "Yep. Dad."

Y/N: "Yes?"

Charlotte: "Why don't you kiss mom?"

Y/N: "What'd you mean?"

Charlotte: "I mean you both act like my parents but you never kiss. Why?"

Y/N: "Because we're not dating."

Charlotte: "Why?"

Y/N: "You ask a lot of questions."

Charlotte: "I am a kid after all."

She giggles while I smile. Once the song ends I exchange Charlotte for Luna.

Y/N: "You look beautiful."

Luna: "You're such a charmer."

Y/N: "Hey Luna, do you like anyone here?"

Luna: "Yes."

Y/N: "Oh, do I know them?"

Luna: "Yes, you know him. It'd be weird if you didn't."

Y/N: "Describe him."

Luna: "Well, he's currently here at the dance, dancing with a girl."

Y/N: "Is he... funny?"

Luna: "If you call being a goof funny, then yes, he's funny."

Y/N: "Is he... a charismatic boy with devilishly good looks?"

Luna: "He's also got a bit of an ego on him."

Y/N: "Is this boy me?"

Luna: "Bingo. What about you? You got someone you like here?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, I've had my eye on her ever since I arrived here."

Luna: "She must be very pretty for you to have loved her this long."

Y/N: "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Luna blushes when I decide to finally go for it.

Y/N: "Luna, will you do me the honor in being my girlfriend?"

Luna: "I'd love to."

The song reaches its peak as Luna and I lean closer until our lips finally meet. We break the kiss and touch foreheads as we cup the other's cheek. 

Y/N: "I love you Luna."

Luna: "I love you too Y/N."

Suddenly Charlotte comes running to us and gets between us.

Charlotte: "Yay! Mom and dad are finally together!"

We laugh at her antics before going back to dancing. That Monday we exit our dorm and head to the Auditorium. After Ozpin's speech we select a mission and head out to the bullhead. We look for our airship when we're waved down by professor Port.

Y/N: "Port?"

Port: "You must be the students assigned to me. Come young hunters, for we're off on an adventure."

He marches into the airship when we're called out by JNPR.

Charlotte: "Why do I have to go with them again?"

Y/N: "Because we took a find and recover mission and it might be too dangerous for you. So Jaune and his team are going to watch after you until we meet again."

Charlotte: "When're you coming back?"

Luna: "We'll only be gone until tomorrow. After that we'll come pick up right away."

Charlotte hugs us and walks to Jaune and his team.

Nora: "Come on Charlotte, we're gonna have so much fun. I'll even let you use my hammer."

Y/N: "Please make sure she doesn't kill our daughter."

Ren: "I shall watch over her as if she my own."

Port: "Hurry or all best Grimm will leave and there won't be a challenge!"

Y/N: "Let's roll."

We hop into the airship and ride it out to a small village named Hale. We exit the airship to find the place completely deserted. 

Y/N: "Where is everybody?"

Port: "No one knows. One day this place was teeming with life. Then the next day it's like the population never existed."

Luna: "This place gives me the creeps."

Port: "Now's not the time to be scared. We must find the object of our mission."

Y/N: "Question is where would we even find a quote unquote sacred stone?"

Luna: "Maybe try the church?"

Y/N: "Wouldn't hurt to try."

We walk into the town and arrive at the partially destroyed church. We search around but ultimately come up empty handed.

Y/N: "It's not here, let's try the-"

I'm cut off by the floor giving way. I scream and plummet straight down before landing on a stone floor.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now