Sweet Child

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*flashback 3rd POV*

Long after Ozma had been resurrected and he reunited with Salem, the two got married. Nine months later they had their first ever child, that child was Y/N L/N. After Y/N had been born him and his parents lived as a nice happy family. But tragedy strikes in the form of Y/N getting into a bad accident. While crawling around the floor Y/N managed to get out of his play area. He made his way down the hall until he ended up in Salem and Ozpin's lab room.

Being the curious infant he rocked a shelf and knocked a strange vial down. The vial breaks and spills over Y/N. He then licks it when the liquid inside the vial begins to burn his insides. Y/N cries at the top of his lungs making his parents burst into the room. By the time they arrive Y/N is laying on the ground unresponsive. 

Thinking quickly they rush him to the nearest hospital. After some time they were told the dreaded news that there was nothing the doctors could do. They walk back to the castle and begin trying to come up with ways to save their son. Salem proposed that they merge him with some Grimm. Ozma hesitated but agreed nonetheless all in hopes it would save his son.

Salem poured some Grimm extract into a tub and picked up her son. She placed a temporary protection spell on him and partially submerges him in the extract. After a few seconds she took him out and set him in his crib. There he laid unmoving for hours; those hours became days and with each passing one his parents were starting to fear he had died. 

Thankfully on the fifth day Y/N opened his eyes and was back to his cheery infant self. Things seemed to have worked; however in the coming weeks, Y/N would become... different. He would develop a temper and would only calm down after having a sleep spell put on him. His more aggressive tendencies kept getting worse until one day while playing with his mom he became enraged. He threw a tantrum which Salem tried to stop by holding him. However when she picked him up he bite her cheek enough to draw a decent amount of blood.

Salem was shocked to the point she put her son in his crib and just sat on the couch waiting for her husband to return. Once he did she told him what had happened and both of them looked at their still rampaging son. Growing concerned they began to think of ways to make their son less violent. Ozma proposed that they remove the Grimm within him hoping that would take away his aggression. Salem showed him the flaw in his plan saying that if they did they'd be taking away the thing keeping their son alive. 

Salem proposed another idea saying if they were to merge him with more Grimm extract then maybe she could have better control over him. Ozma quickly shot this idea down saying that this would only make their son a slave. This argument would be the start of the wedge that would be driven between Salem and Ozma. Over the next month Salem and Ozma grew distant and tried to coax their son into coming to them.

Towards the end of the month Ozma waited for Salem to fall asleep, snatched their son and took him to an abandoned laboratory. Ozma strapped his son to a table and prayed to Oum that he could save his son. He flips a switch which makes Y/N be hit by a beam. He screams and thrashes in pain when the building rumbles and Salem busts through the wall. She stared at her in pain son then at Ozma making a fireball. What ensued was a fight that destroyed the entire laboratory.

Amidst the rubble a crying Y/N can be seen. A random couple walk past the rubble before spotting Y/N. The woman picks him up and his crying is immediately replaced with laughing. The couple look at each other, smile and walk back to their home with all three of them completely unaware of Y/N's now dormant Grimm side. Meanwhile on the other side of Remnant Salem is seen sitting on her throne with her chin resting on one hand and the other tapping the armrest of her throne.

Salem: "Mark my words Ozma, you'll pay for this."

Salem summons a Seer Grimm and peers through it before smiling seeing a baby Luna being held by her mother.

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