Battling The Champion

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Glynda: "Pyrrha Nikos is the winner."

She bows as CRDL exit the arena.

Glynda: "I know that'll be hard to top but we have time for one more match. Any volunteers?"

Everyone adverts their gaze when I do something by raising my hand.

Glynda: "L/N, it is. Do you wish to fight Ms. Nikos or someone else?"

Y/N: "I'll fight her."

Glynda: "Then collect your weapons and step into the arena."

I head to the locker room, holster my weapons and stand opposite of Pyrrha. I withdraw my sword and get into a defensive stance.

Charlotte: "Good luck dad!!!"

I smile as the lights go down and the buzzer rings.

3rd POV

Y/N runs at Pyrrha and slashes downwards. Pyrrha blocks it with her shield which lets out a mini shockwave. Pyrrha waves away her shield, activates her rifle and fires into Y/N's stomach. He's blown back but backflips to a recovery; he withdraws his gun and opens fire at her.

The bullets come near Pyrrha but she subtly uses her semblance to move them out of the way. Y/N stares slightly shocked but pushes it to the side. He holsters his gun and rushes back at Pyrrha. Y/N tries to slash downwards but Pyrrha transforms her rifle to her spear and swings upwards knocking away his attack. She then slams the bottom of the spear into Y/N's chest.

He stumbles back when Pyrrha takes out his legs. She sends her spear forwards but Y/N tilts his head to the side then grabs her spear. He activates his semblance and slings Pyrrha to the side. Y/N gets to his feet as Pyrrha does the same. Y/N jumps and punches Pyrrha's shield with a loud twang ringing out.

Pyrrha launches Y/N away and becomes shocked seeing Y/N's hand. His hand is caved in and the bones of his fingers are sticking out. Everyone gasps at the sight except Charlotte who's eyes get covered before she can see his hand. Y/N looks at his mangled hand before just hmphing. He brings back his sword and moves faster than Pyrrha can react. 

He kicks in her knee and cuts upwards on her chest. Y/N then takes out her legs and kicks into the arena wall. He zips to her and decks her in her left lower ribs. She gasps before having her jaw grabbed and tossed to the center of the arena. When she gets to her hands and knees Y/N kicks her stomach and knocks her to his level. He then smacks her back into the ground. Pyrrha gets up for another round when the buzzer goes off.


The fog in my head fades and I help Pyrrha to her feet.

Pyrrha: "That was a excellent match."

Y/N: "I'm sure it was."

I walk back to my seat and am later released to the dorms. As we make our way there I stop and grab Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Why'd you drag me to the roof?"

Y/N: "I need your help."

Pyrrha: "On?"

Y/N: "I wanna ask a girl to the dance but don't know how."

Pyrrha: "You should just ask her."

Y/N: "Is it really that simple?"

Pyrrha: "Yes."

Y/N: "Okay. I'll ask her. Thank you Pyrrha."

I walk back into the school and down the hall until I see Luna walking. 

Y/N: "Luna."

Luna: "Y/N."

Luna, Y/N: "I was wondering- sorry, go ahead."

Y/N: "I was wanting to know if you were going to the dance with anyone."

Luna: "I was actually just about to ask someone."

Y/N: "Oh. I'll leave so you can ask them."

Luna: "Y/N, do you have a date to the dance?"

Y/N: "No. Why?"

Luna: "I want you to be my date."

Y/N: "What about the person you were going to ask?"

She looks at me deadpan which makes me look to the side stupidly.

Y/N: "Oh."

Luna: "So is that a yes?"

Y/N: "Yes, I will happily go as your date for the dance."

Luna: "Good."

She walks away and I just smile being able to be her date.

Yin And Yang (RWBY male reader x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now