Kneel [Hela x reader] p1

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by OswinTheStrange

(Smut) Hela calls Reader to her room
Pure Smut

It was no secret that you had a quite the crush on your new queen. You stared at her with utter adoration and hung on to every word she said. Those around you thought you were insane. She was evil, they said. She'd slaughtered nearly all of Asgard's army when she'd first arrived and she ruled with an iron grip, using fear and strength to stay in power. They didn't need to remind you. You knew what she'd done, and yet you couldn't fight your attraction to her. There was just something about her that made you want her.

For a while, you were certain she didn't know. After all, why would she pay attention to a servant such as yourself? Which is why you were surprised, and very nervous, when Skurge said she'd requested you, by name, to go to her chambers.

Each step you took brought another nervous flutter to your stomach. Thoughts ran through your head as you grew closer to her room. Did she know about your feelings? If she did, how would she react? Would she be accepting? Dismissive? Would she simply ignore them? You couldn't think of any other reason she might request you specifically to come to her room. You didn't even know she knew your name.

Standing outside her door, your heart raced and you struggled to keep your breathing under control. Tentatively raising your hand, your knocked on the door. A second of silence passed before you heard her call, "Enter!" With shaking hands, you opened the door, stepping inside slowly.

You'd never been inside her room before. It was comfortable and lavish, and decorated in green and black, with slight hints of gold. There was a desk and chair, and a bookshelf full of books that appeared to be on history and war strategy. Across from you, and the door, was a huge, very comfortable looking bed. And, of course, your queen herself, who stood at her desk, appearing to be looking over some documents. She wasn't wearing her helmet, letting her dark hair fall down her back, or her cape, leaving her in only her form-fitting armor.

It was strange, seeing her so casual and... relaxed wasn't quite the word. It took you a moment to find your voice. "You called for me, Your Majesty?" you asked.

"Close the door behind you," Hela said, not looking up. "And lock it. I don't want to be disturbed."

You did as she told you, the click of the door locking was particularly loud. But maybe that was just your nerves, making it seem that way. You heart pounded, and you wondered if she could hear it.

"Now," she said, finally looking up, "I've noticed you have a certain attraction towards me."

Your heart stopped and your stomach fluttered nervously. It felt as though all air had been drawn from young lungs. Your mind raced. Should you deny it? No, you couldn't lie to her. Should you confirm what she'd said? She already knew, so it would be pointless. Should you say nothing? "M-My Queen," you stammered, searching for words.

She held up a hand, signaling you to stop talking. "Don't deny it or make excuses. I already know," she said.

Closing your mouth, you looked down at the ground, biting your lip. You heard her footsteps as she began to move around the room.

"At first, I just ignored it. But then, I thought about how I could use it," Hela said. Still looking down, you saw her feet moving towards the bed. "As I'm your queen, you'd do anything for me. And with this... attraction, you'd do even more, wouldn't you?"

Realizing she was waiting for an answer, you responded, "Yes, my queen." You look up, seeing she was now sitting at the foot of her bed.

Hela smirked. She raised a hand, crooking her finger. "Come here," she said.

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