Attachment [Hela x reader] p2

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by OswinTheStrange

Hela has been acting strangely towards Reader recently, and Reader has no clue why.

The first sign that something had changed came one night after sex. The night had started off as usual, with you being called to Hela's room to pleasure her, and then a round (or several) of mind-blowing sex. Afterwards, Hela had flopped down beside you, panting and grinning like the cat that got the cream.

"Did that please you, my queen?" you asked.

"Mmmm, very much," she said, closing her eyes and relaxing.

You waited a moment for her to tell you that you could leave, as she normally did when she was done with you. But, after a minute of silence, she instead wrapped her arm around you and pulled you against her. For a moment, you thought she might have wanted another round, but she gave no other indication of that.

You lay there, silent and confused. Was she... cuddling? You threw the thought from your head as soon as it entered. Hela didn't cuddle. It was always 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am', and then you would be told to leave. Not once had she ever shown a sign of wanting to cuddle. But then again, what else could you call laying so close together in silence after sex?

Instead of trying to figure out what was going on, you decided to let yourself enjoy... whatever this was. You closed your eyes and relaxed. Your body temperature was starting to cool down, but the warmth coming from Hela more than made up for it. Her arm around you felt almost... protective, and comforting. Her scent surrounded you, and you inhaled it with each breath.

After a while, you began to slowly drift off to sleep, as you thought Hela had. You had drifted so far that you almost missed when she said, "You may leave now." Those words woke you right up, as disappointment filled your chest.

"Yes, my queen," you said, trying to hide how you felt as she unwrapped her arm from you. You stood and dressed, leaving the room without another word.

*   *   *

The second sign came a few nights later, in the gardens. In the evening, once all the work was done and dinner had been eaten, you would often go on a short walk through the gardens. There was no particular reason, it was just a nice way to end the day. Sometimes others would come with you on these walks. Tonight, it was Brynjolf.

Brynjolf had worked at the palace for longer than you had, but was actually a few years younger. He was nice and funny, and a good friend. He was also a bit of a gossip, but that actually helped in your case. Everyone knew how often, and why, you were summoned to Hela's rooms, but Brynjolf kept the focus away from that and onto other things among the servants.

You'd lost track of the conversation that night, every few minutes changing topics from one thing to another, and at one point it had gone from friendly banter to friendly flirting. The two of you continued walking and laughing, the jokes and 'flirting' slowly getting dirtier as the night wore on.

Suddenly, Brynjolf stopped laughing. "Y-Your Majesty!" he exclaimed, bowing. Your eyes turned to where he was looking and saw that Hela was there, standing not far away and looking directly at the both of you. Your face went pale and you immediately curtsied.

She walked closer, looking over the two of you. You dared to glance at her face for just a moment. Your blood froze. She did not look happy.

"You, leave!" she said, motioning to Brynjolf. Her voice was like frozen venom. Brynjolf gave a quick bow and left, shooting you a quick look you couldn't quite read.

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