no title [Lou x Debbie]

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No title
by blackacre13

Lou walks in on Debbie touching herself.

It was eating at both of them. That was for sure. And maybe it was a little ridiculous to have promised it. And maybe it was a little ridiculous that they were both so stubborn and impatient about it for two women in their fifties. But here they were.

Both Lou and Debbie had made promises to themselves about Debbie's long awaited release. Unbeknownst to them, each in their separate bathrooms. Debbie in a bubble bath with her list in hand started thinking about a certain blonde and the things she'd left unsaid to her and how this couldn't work without Lou. Lou in the shower stopping mid-shampoo and realizing that this was a job she couldn't say no to because she needed Debbie to be her partner again, whatever that meant. And they both found themselves stubbornly deciding that there would be no kissing or flirting or fucking until one of them cracked and apologized. Until one of them decided to yank open the door from the past and start talking.

But they were fucking up, left and right, right off the bat. Lou was grabbing Debbie and giving her The Godfather of kisses the second she climbed into the Toyota. And Debbie was flirting with Lou like a mark as she painted images of Liz Taylor diamonds, life-changing food and marriage proposals.

"You look..." Debbie started, her eyes slowly raking along Lou's ink bottle green suit, stopping at her face, grateful her knowing, deep eyes were hidden behind overgrown bangs.

"No, Debs, you..." Lou breathed, her eyes taking in the familiar trench coat and sophisticated twist around her ponytail atop her usual Ocean-esque black on black ensemble.

They had moved towards each other without realizing. Standing too close but too far. Their noses practically touching. Able to hear each other's heartbeats racing in tandem.

"We probably shouldn't."

"We probably shouldn't."

The two women chuckled softly, their hands finding each other as Debbie played with Lou's rings, looking down at the ground as Lou tried to steal glimpses of the brunette's face.

"There are so many things I want to tell you," Debbie finally whispered and Lou nodded.

"Me too," Lou whispered. And then she didn't know if she could stick to the plan anymore as she felt Debbie suck in a deep breath, her perfume rippling through the air to meet Lou's nose. "Deb, fuck. I didn't want to until..."

"Me too," Debbie repeated, a soft smirk playing at her lips.

"God, but now seeing you and being able to reach out and just..."

"Touch me," Debbie finished for her.

"Exactly," Lou sighed, ruffling her bangs.

"No," Debbie laughed softly, her other hand falling on Lou's chest, playing lightly with her tie and necklaces, her eyes finally finding Lou's again. "Touch me."

Lou let out a frustrated groan at Debbie's sultry whisper. The Ocean knew exactly how to play her, and it was hard to resist when this is exactly what she wanted to.

Lou's hand slipped from Debbie's as she looked away, afraid to reject Debbie's advances while having their eyes locked, because this isn't what she wanted deep down. But she also didn't want to act like they were in their twenties anymore: all lust and physical heat without answers and explanation.

"Not like this," the blonde whispered, feeling her own heart break at the words.

She caught the flash of hurt in Debbie's eyes before it disappeared as quick as it had come, disguised with an abrupt nod.

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