Three Times Over [Lou x Debbie x reader] p1

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Three Times Over
by amerrierworld

Lou likes you, and now Debbie likes you too. What's a girl to do?

Debbie and Lou were best friends. Anyone could see that; partners in everything and always by each other's side. It was both incredibly endearing and irritating at the same time.

Lou had expressed an interest to you very early on, grasping your hand and speaking softly after the Met heist had gone smoothly. And even though you found her incredibly attractive and cunning, you were hesitant to dive right in because Debbie kept drifting back to your thoughts. Were you jealous of their companionship? Were you jealous of Debbie, or of Lou?

Or was it simply that you couldn't choose?

So here you were, terribly surprised at the offer Debbie had made you, which was the same as Lou's that you had backed out of. Sitting across from you at a cozy bar, an olive propped between her teeth, she looked expectantly at you.

"Y/N? What's the matter?"

You blinked at her a couple times, hand gripping your martini glass to the point where you could probably break it with one more squeeze.

"You're asking if... like, me, and... you. As a... thing?"

She chuckled at your blushing face. "Yes. How many times do you want me to say it? I quite like you, you know. But don't worry, we don't have to rush, just, exploring, if you prefer that sort of thing."

"But... Lou?"

Her eyebrow quirked. "What about her?"

"Uh, hm, well. I mean, I didn't know if you guys were a thing at all... you seem so... close?"

"Has she said anything to you about us?"

"No? Well, actually, she asked me the same thing that you're asking me right now..."


"Yeah, it was a while ago though, and I didn't really answer, I just sort of left it hanging."

"Shit, this wasn't just after the heist was done, was it?"


Debbie suddenly laughed, throwing her head back and snorting a bit. It was adorable.

"So that's why she was so grumpy with me afterwards. Well, fuck, that explains it. You never think a con would be so grouchy after winning a shit ton of moolah."

She grinned at your startled expression, leaning closer and gripping your hand on the table.

"Lou and I have an open relationship, love. We have for years, it's how we lasted throughout those five years of me being locked up. Lord knows Lou would've gone insane if she was supposed to just wait for me considering her... stamina."

She winked. "But I had no idea she sought you out as well. Did you not want to be with her?"

"No! It's not that! I just didn't know what to make of it! Because you two seemed so close, it would feel like I was, I don't know..."

"A homewrecker?"

You nodded as her thumb swiped lovingly over your hand.

"What if I told you, you could have both of us, if you wanted?"

"But I never answered Lou, I don't even know if she still likes me after I practically ghosted her."

"Oh, she does, Y/N, don't you worry about that. Everything makes sense to me now, and I can definitely tell you, as her best friend, she still likes you."

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