Caught in the middle [Hela x reader x Galadriel] p4

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Caught in the middle by getlostsquidward

Summary: You have the Goddess of Death, Hela; and the Lady of Light, Galadriel both smitten for you. You tell yourself to only choose one, but doesn't everyone need a mix of light and darkness in their lives?

A loud banging on your door roused you from your deep slumber. Black spots were clouding your eyes as you hastily got up to open the door. You opened the door to Hela with her fist in the air. Why is she this early and why did she come to get you herself? Hela's eyes glanced down from your face down to your body, lingering on your legs. Your spirit immediately awakened and you squirmed to hide your body as you were only wearing a nightgown and she didn't exactly give you time to change into a more modest garment.

Her eyes flickered back up to yours, "You're needed, Y/N. There's a long day ahead."

"I'll be right there, Your Majesty," you gave her a quick curtsy and closed the door even if she hadn't left yet.

You arrived at the throne room shortly after that. Galadriel was there too, talking to few Lorien elves that accompanied her on this trip. You moved towards the edge of the stairs, with the intention of asking the Queen what would be your task for the day.

"You will accompany Galadriel on a tour in the city. She wants to see the entirety of Asgard." You nodded, "And I will be with you two. You didn't grow up here, and despite the length of time you've stayed here, there are still Asgardian things you might not know of. So, I'm going to go with you. The best person to learn to is from the Queen of Asgard herself," she finished, smirking slyly.

Your mouth parted to speak but you were cut off by a voice behind you, "I'm looking forward to learning from you, Hela." Galadriel was a few steps behind you. You curtsied to her and returned your attention to the Queen, "Then who will be in charge of the throne for today?"

"Skurge will remain here. He'll take care of the matters here while I'm out." You looked at the Executioner across from you and nodded.

It was the first time that Hela would be out of the palace for... non-conquering trips. Maybe it's for the good, after all, so she could take a break from queenly duties.

As you walk around the city, you notice that the people still cower from the sight of the Queen. Well, you couldn't blame them, she made a rather not-so-good first impression when she came back from her banishment. You just wish that someday, they can see her the way you do. The way you do?

Your thoughts were interrupted when a little boy tugged on your dress. "Hello, little one," you smiled at him. He offered you a flower. "This is for you, my Lady."

"Oh, thank you," you ruffled his hair. "What's your name?"

"Calder," he shyly answered. Galadriel noticed that you were behind them so she paused and approached you and the boy. "Are you the Queen?" Calder innocently asked the woman.

"I'm not," Galadriel answered. "You see that scowling woman coming to us?" she pointed to Hela. The boy nodded, "She is the Queen."

"She's scary," Calder whispered to you and Galadriel. You let out a snort and bit your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. Galadriel, on the other hand, expressed her amusement fully.

"I heard that young man," Hela irritatingly growled. "Let's go. We don't have all day." You bid your goodbyes to Calder and continued to walk. You were now walking with either woman at your side, Hela uttered something about you wandering off and not wanting to let you out of her sight.

"Thank you for not harming the young boy, Your Majesty," you teased, earning a chuckle from Galadriel. "Well, I'm not that cruel," Hela grumbled.

You spent most of the trip in silence, letting Hela speak and give lectures and random trivial details. You remembered when you used to take museum tours on Earth, and the first time you travelled abroad. "You're spacing out, Y/N," Galadriel spoke. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much, just... remembering those times I took a trip somewhere in Midgard."

"Do you miss your birthplace?"

"I do. If Her Majesty permits," you glanced at Hela. "I would like to visit Midgard sometime."

Hela turned to you, "I'll allow you," your eyes shone with excitement, "but in one condition."

When you didn't speak, she continued, "I'm going with you." Did she just- did you heard her right?

"Your Majesty?"

"Have Heimdall contact my brothers so they could return here. Tell them to be back, promptly." Based on her determined face and distinct orders, she must have made up her mind.

"I've always wanted to visit Midgard, Y/N. Can I go as well?" Galadriel interjected. Hela only shrugged, leaving you no room to decline her request. That's that, it's decided. This is going to be one hell of a trip.

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