Three Times Over [Lou x Debbie x reader] p2

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Three Times Over
by amerrierworld

Comfortable weeks had passed since you agreed to be with both Debbie and Lou. It led to so many shenanigans and cracked-up dates filled with sultry touches and looks that you were sure your face was going to be stuck in the constant grin you carried when the three of you were out.

"What are you smiling about?" Lou tapped your forehead playfully to bring you back to reality. You were both waiting for Debbie to get out of the change room, clutching multiple shopping bags.

"Oh, nothing," you grinned, cocking your head at her before sticking out your tongue. She smiled back, eyes twinkling behind her aviator sunglasses.

A shopping spree was bound to happen, though you had insisted that they didn't steal or con any items.

Well. At least not all of them.

Debbie opened the door and came out wearing a bright purple jumpsuit with awkward holes cut out in the sleeves. She did a little pose and you and Lou shared a glance before simultaneously saying,


She rolled her eyes and disappeared back into the change room without a word. You both chuckled and sat down on a small bench.

You put your head on Lou's shoulder and one arm came to wrap around you.

"I'm just glad this all happened," you mused, looking at the change room door. "You're both a riot to be around, but... I love it. I love you guys."

"If we're ever too much to handle you have to tell us, love," Lou said, stroking your hair. "I know we're a lot, and we've known each other longer than either of us have known you, but this wouldn't be complete without you."

You shuffled a bit to look her in the eyes, pulling her glasses off and setting them on your own head. One of your hands trailed over the many necklaces that dangled around her neck, tracing the gold chains.

"You're never too much. Either of you. I've been very happy."

Lou grinned and captured your mouth in a sweet kiss. When she pulled away she set her glasses down on your nose and hummed.

"You look good in my things," she said. You stuck out your tongue again.

"Especially in your bed," you added and winked. Her smile faltered into something darker for a split second and you felt smug.

A throat clearing caught your attention and you turned to see Debbie, this time in a gorgeous sequinned jumpsuit with numerous colours in zigzagged stripes. Neither you nor Lou hesitated before you both said,


You had a playlist playing in the loft's kitchen, sliding across the floor in socks and your most comfortable set of clothes. Coffee was brewing and you were finishing boiling a few eggs. Upstairs, your two lovers were just starting to wake up, but you had too much energy to stay in bed.

You cleaned a few dishes, dancing on the spot and slurping coffee loudly. You poured two extra mugs; Lou liked it black, and Debbie liked cream.

"Well, this is a sight," a sleepy voice mumbled from the stairs. You saw Debbie shuffling down the stairs, wearing just a large button down -one of Lou's- and her underwear.

"Goodmorning, baby," she said, accepting the offered cup of coffee you held out to her. Your stomach fluttered and you turned to dry a few more dishes.

"Goodmorning," you said in return.

"You're up early. What's with the chores getting done all of a sudden?"

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